Friday, June 12, 2009


Most young couples starting out usually have some type of college debt and they still feel obligated to have a lavish wedding for their friends and family. I heard of a young couple with $250,000 combined debt for college loans who spent $30,000 on their wedding and put all of it on credit cards.

They then asked for cash gifts from the attendees at the wedding! If potential guests expect you to go into debt so they can have an open bar and a full buffet, they are not worth inviting. What sense does this make to start a married life buried under so much debt? Maybe they should charge admission!

If you are the parents of two young people thinking of getting married please interfere early and provide them with a sensible alternative to more debt.

This is the time of year for weddings and some of the people being invited to weddings are being told to buy gifts from certain retailers and are being given choices on what to buy. Some have even been told to put some money for the newlyweds in some type of retirement amount.

Both of the above scenarios show how far off the mark today’s society is! Go in debt or buy, buy, and buy.

If you are getting married for the right reasons, you don’t have to impress anyone and you don’t have to get into any debt!



Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Jacques .. excellent statement - if you can start your lives out on the same paths .. no debt, sensible finances etc - your family life will be so much better .. a simple value life.

Thanks - Hilary Mleton-Butcher
Positive Letters

Marketing Unscrambled, Home edition said...

Jacques, often it is the parents that are going into debt for the big, everything goes wedding for the child. It is not good for the parents or the ones getting married to go into debt.Everything is such a mess now with the country the way it is with the economy in such a mess. It is best to not get into debt at all.
Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"