Wednesday, December 31, 2008


As I ponder this past year, it is easy for me to say that I am BLESSED! This is not bragging on me but on the LORD!

This coming January 29th I will have been married to my wonderful wife Claudette for 39 years. For those of you who are married, you know perfectly well what a challenge marriage can be and also how rewarding. I am blessed that my wife has stuck by me in thick and thin. She is a saint.

I am blessed to have two wonderful grown children, Jason and Michelle, and they are a reflection of the love and input that their mother has poured into them.

I am blessed to live in the United States of America. It is the best place to live and I am proud of what this country stands for and what we continue to do to make it a place of freedom!

I am blesssed to have friends and family, a thriving business, a hope filled future and a brand new year to start over in those areas that I need to excell in.

Count YOUR blessings and you too will feel empowered to enter the New Year with anticipation and thankfulness in your heart.


Friday, December 26, 2008


The holidays are coming to an end and some people will have an emotional let down. We build up so much anticipation ahead of this time of year and sometimes circumstances are such that we do not experience what we had thought would happen.

But such is life. We all need a long term perspective and we all have the potential of an unlimited future. One of my new year’s resolutions is to watch less news! I feel the news networks are biased and determined to be as negative as they can.

Our lives are not controlled by the circumstances around us. Our attitudes and beliefs systems have a major impact of the world we see and the world we can create.

We live in the best of times and the worst of times. Sound familiar?

As we start thinking of the new year, let’s make a choice to be the best, believe the best, and do our best to make 2009 the BEST year we have had so that we can have a major positive impact on our families, friends, and society in general.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Christmas is about CHRIST! No Christ-no Christmas. JESUS is the ultimate gift to mankind. He started Creating Wealth That Lasts so that all of humanity could fulfill the destiny that HE had in mind.

Unfortunately, the majority of people have lost the real meaning of Christmas. Happy Holidays? No, it’s Merry Christmas!

Most people are focused on receiving gifts and giving gifts. Most people will incur needless debt during this period and will spend all of next year paying on that debt. This is crazy.

You should never put gifts on credit cards that you cannot pay off at the end of the month. If you don’t have the cash: make something, volunteer your time, be creative. Not stupid.

Because today’s culture is programming us to spend, spend, spend ( and for what purpose) people are setting themselves up for a bad start to a new year.

Most of us in the United States have a standard of living far beyond what most people that have ever lived on this planet have ever had. What else do we need?

We need to focus on what is really important. Family, friends, health, and CHRIST!

Be thankful. Be blessed. Be a giver.


Sunday, December 21, 2008


I subscribe to various business magazines and it is always interesting to see the contradictory advice that you get. Are these people really professionals! They all sound so sure of themselves and profess to be experts at telling you how to invest your money.

I would be anxious to see how they personally have done this past year with their own money. Usually financial advisors make money by charging fees and they make their money that way. It does not matter if you are personally losing your shirt, they are still making money.

Here is what one expert was expounding in a recent Forbes magazine article: In order to be able to reach your retirement goals you need to consider the following:
1. Work longer. Don’t retire early.
2. Spend less.
3. Earn more

Pretty amazing stuff, huh! Do you want to pay someone to get this advice? This is common sense and you should be doing the above naturally.

Retirement is a trap! We were made to work and retirement is not in the cards.
You might change the work that you do, the amount of time that you work and even be volunteering your time. The idea that we should all retire, play golf, or go fishing is a LIE.

We all need to be productive all of our lives. It is crucial to our mental health and our obligation to give back what we have learned to future generations.

As far as finances go. Do not trust your hard earned money to so called experts, most of whom do not make money on their own advice.

Basic principles: Spend less than you make, save as much as you can, give as much as you can, and do not incur needless debt.


Saturday, December 20, 2008


The Consumer Credit Counseling Service gives these warning signs:
1. An increasing amount of your net pay is going to debt payments.
2. You pay only the minimum payments on your credit cards.
3. You’ve reached you limit on credit cards.
4. You pay bills with money that was intended for other things.
5. You use credit cards to pay for things that you used to pay for with cash.
6. You often pay bills late.
7. You delay or omit visits to the doctor or dentist because money is tight.
8. You get calls from collection agencies regarding unpaid bills.
9. You work overtime or a second job to raise cash to pay bills.
10. Losing a job would create instant financial trouble.
11. Money is a constant concern to you.

If any of this relates to you , you are probably in DEBT and need to focus on getting out of debt.
Don’t panic, in the coming days I will share with you strategies to help you get out of debt and to stay out of debt !

Creating Wealth That Lasts.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


1. Get started in a business in the next 30 days !. Identify a service or product that excites you.

2. If you are already in business, focus on new ways of selling or marketing. Get on the Internet and check out what your competition is doing.

3. Upgrade your sales skills. 95 percent of all sales people can improve their performance by investing time in training, seminars, books, and CD’s.

4. Get around like minded people. Get involved in local business associations. Look for groups you can belong to on the Internet. Do you have a Facebook account? Are you on Twitter? The possibilities to network are endless.

5. Be prepared to fail your way to success. Learn from your mistakes. Don’t give up. Almost all major successes in life and business come at the end of a series of failures.

Giovanna Garica, a friend and mentor, says: “Imperfect Action is Better Than No Action.” We must all be in the AC TION mode. There is no other way.

In today’s economy, action is key. Get started !

Creating Wealth That Lasts

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


1. Your service or product must be timely for today’s market. It must be priced right and promoted. Nothing sells itself.

2. People do not buy products, they buy benefits. People are looking for solutions to their problems. You must clarify what problem you are solving for them.

3. The product or service must satisfy an existing want or need. Is your product or service really needed?

4. You must be believable. Credibility is everything. It takes time to build credibility and it can be lost in an instant.

5. Your customer must be able to afford and pay for your product or service. Don’t try selling ice to an Eskimo. You must promote to the right prospects.

Creating Wealth That Lasts in business incorporates the essence of all business: effecting selling and marketing. You must have a long term picture and as you build your business/life and promote your brand you must always analyze the steps above to make sure you are still on the right track.

Never take anything for granted.

Creating Wealth That Lasts

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


1. Set specific financial goals: 3-6-9-12 month goals. 2-5-10 year goals. Write them down, visualize them!

2. Offer a superior product or service: What makes you different from the rest?

3. Start small and grow slowly: Don’t over reach. You are not competing with Microsoft or Google! Learn your business, be patient, and invest your time. Finance your own business instead of borrowing.

4. Test before you invest: Before you make any major move or invest any significant amount of money-do a trial test. Don’t be impatient. Do your homework. You won’t regret it! 99% of new ideas in business do not work.

5. Grow from you profits: Only expand our business from money that you have earned in your business, not from borrowing from a financial institution. This will force you to be creative.

6. Select people carefully: Be slow to hire and quick to fire! Watch who you associate with. Deal only with people of integrity. Harvey Mackey, noted business and author, said he spent 6 months looking for a salesperson for his company, interviewed 35 people and did not hire anyone.

7. Use financial leverage: Cash flow is key. Your goals is to develop a steady and continuous cash flow. If and, I stress If, you ever need to borrow money for expansion, you will have a good financial record to negotiate with lenders.

Get ready for SUCCESS !

Monday, December 15, 2008


1. Plan and organize: Your ability to generate results is a key to your ultimate success. What results are expected of you? Keep asking yourself “ How can I increase my ability to generate better results?”

2. Go the Extra Mile: Do what you are paid for and more! Most people want to do just enough to get by. No way! When you focus on doing more than you are paid for you will reap tremendous results. You need to be focused while you are working and use your time wisely.

3. Market and sell: Constantly! You are always selling yourself whether you realize it or not. Read books, periodicals, attend seminars and workshops in your area of expertise. Develop your marketing and sales skills.

4. You can learn to sell: Selling is a skill that anyone can learn. The more you master this skill, the more you will earn and the more confident you will become.

5. Be a good listener: Close to 85% of your success in life will be attributed to your ability to listen effectively.

Make it a point to focus on upgrading a few of your key skills on a consistent basis and you will be amazed at the results you will see.


Sunday, December 14, 2008


There are two major areas that greatly affect whether a business will succeed or fail. Poor sales and poor cost control.

If you cannot generate enough sales to cover your expenses and make a profit-you will find yourself out of business. 48% of U.S business fail every year for this very reason.

Cash flow is KEY. No cash flow-no business! In today’s global economy we need to be on the learning curve constantly and we need to keep abreast of business trends.

In one sense this is also why approximately 1.5 million Americans declare bankruptcy every year. They have negative cash flow. More is going out than is coming in. We all need strong financial discipline.

No matter how much you earn if you cannot get our spending under control you will fail.

Start the year right! Make it a priority to live below your means. Do not incur any new debt.


Saturday, December 13, 2008


1. They have very low or no debt! No matter how good or how bad the economy is they refuse to go into debt. They are very conservative with their money. Now, do you really need the 72 inch plasma T.V. that you can put on our credit card?

2. They save their money ( at least 10% ) and they invest it carefully and cautiously. They are prepared to wait many years to achieve financial independence.

3. The above makes them sure of themselves and they are rarely anxious and worried, as they know that they have the resources needed to withstand any economic downturns. They are more positive in their outlooks.

4. They own businesses. Plural. Calvin Coolidge said “ The business of America is business”. They are not out looking for a JOB. They are out looking for their next business venture.

5. They take control of their TIME. They are not concerned about Dr. Phil and the rest of the talking heads. They are FOCUSED and they make every minute count.

6. They have short range, mid range, and long range goals. This keeps them in tune with their goals, keeps them focused, and aware of their time commitments.

7. They expect to succeed and they do!

8. They do not have a victim mentality and do not expect the government to have the answers.

Are these some of the strategies that you are using? It’s time to take charge and change your mindsets.


Friday, December 12, 2008


Which category do you fall in ?

1. #1 way and the easiest way. INHERIT the money. Good luck on this one! Less than 10% of people fall into this category.

2. BE A PROFESSIONAL Doctor, lawyer, engineer, etc. This requires extensive education and training and also the knack of financial management. A lot of high net worth professionals are just broke at a higher level than the rest of the population. As a professional you need to develop outside investments to make your money grow. Few professionals can sell their practices for a significant amount that they could retire on.

3. Become an executive. Very difficult to do. A lot of competition. Unstable economic times. If your betting on this one, you’re a good candidate for the stock market!

4. Win the lottery. First of all you shouldn’t be buying these anyway. There is no such thing as something for nothing. The odds are millions to one against you.

5. Become an Entrepreneur. 74 % of wealthy Americans are business owners. Now that should tell you something. Now is the best time to start a business. Why? Because all the experts are saying it’s the wrong time! Most of these so called experts are not business owners themselves. What do they know?

As you prepare for 2009, what business can you start that will dramatically change your future and the future of your family? If you already have a business, what can you start doing to prepare yourself for the best financial year that you have ever had?

Times of economic crises provide the best opportunities for Creating Wealth That Lasts.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008


1. Do you really want it? Do you have the DESIRE for it?

a) This will require commitment,sacrifices, and delayed gratification.
b) If you want it badly enough, you will achieve it.

2. You must make a DECISION!

a) This means you must do something. Not just think and talk about it. Do it!
b) Are you willing to pay the price?

3. Determination!
a) You will need to persist through the bad times, setbacks,and obstacles.
b) You must be mentally prepared to get back up and start all over again.
c) Determination and persistence are the magic ingredients in all success.

4. Discipline:
a) You need the WILL to get it done!
b) You need to develop the daily, weekly, and monthly habits and never stop.
c) You cannot compare yourself to other people.

Grade yourself on the above on a scale of 1-10. Where are you? This is not a test but a way of evaluating where you are on the path to Creating Wealth That Lasts.


Tuesday, December 9, 2008


What is a financially valued skill. It basically is a skill that people/employers are willing to pay a premium for. Did you ever stop to think of why there is a growing trend of young people; some are teenagers or in their early 20’s and they are BILLIONAIRES.

They have a financially valued skill that they used personally in a way that had not been done before.

The top income professions paying more than $130,000.yr include the following:
1. Venture capitalists
2. Physicians
3. Orthodontists
4. Dentists
5. Lawyers
6. Engineers
7. Optometrists
8. Veterinarians

The people in these professions have a unique set of skills!

What do you need to do?
1. Master the skills in your profession.
2. Keep people advised of what you are contributing.
3. Keep your expenses in check.

As you develop your skills, you will increase your earning capacity. Save, save, save, to enable you to invest in other businesses, such as YOUR OWN BUSINESS!

Creating Wealth That Lasts involves finding your passion, developing your skills, making a difference in other people’s lives, and having several financially valued skills.

Take an inventory of your skills and I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised at the skills that you possess that can be developed.


Monday, December 8, 2008


Maybe at this point in your life you are a W-2 employee. You can do certain things that will assure that the boss wants to keep you and also develop those skills that all entrepreneurs have.

1. Work longer hours: Ouch!! It’s true. You need to do more than the rest. If your goal is to be your own boss. Get used to it. You will work harder than anyone else. Guaranteed.

2. What are your responsibilities: Don’t be one of those that is forever saying “That’s not my job !” Do more than is expected and look to learn other aspects of the job that will increase your worth.

3. Working harder: This is different than # 1. Look at ways to make your job more profitable for the company. Be a good time manager. No idle talking on company time.

4. Be smart: Take online courses that will help you at work. Read company periodicals and trade journals. Get in the learning curve again.

5. Help your boss to be better: Look at ways to help him/her out. What are HIS/HER needs. Chances are he/she is an pressure cooker and is looking for relief. Learn to make his/her life easier by doing your job to the best of your ability.

Chances are you are closer to the action than your boss is and can provide needed insight. By becoming a better employee, you are at the same time becoming a better you and entrepreneur.


Sunday, December 7, 2008


Did you know you can live as rich as Bill Gates? You’ve got to be kidding your saying. Well, the fact is: it’s true!

Let me prove it to you with a few examples. If you exclude the size of his house, planes, and all the other upgrades of the rich and famous, you would be left with the following basics of living:

1. Enjoying your spare time.
2. Your clothes.
3. Sleeping.
4. Working.
5. Food.

SLEEPING: We all need a good mattress but at what price. How much for a mattress: $2,000? After a certain price, you are paying for prestige, not sleeping. You can sleep just as well as Bill.

FOOD: How much can you spend on a good steak. Same principle. You can buy a good steak at the grocery store. Just like Bill.

CLOTHES: Hey, did you ever see the way Bill dresses. He doesn’t go overboard. Why should you.

ENJOYING YOUR SPARE TIME: You don’t have to go glob trotting to spend time with your family and friends, enjoying a walk or a favorite hobby.

WORKING: Bill is a hard working guy! Are you? You can work just as hard where you are planted.

Change your perspective of life and if you live in the good old U.S.A, you live better than most people on the rest of this planet. Count your blessings.


Saturday, December 6, 2008


One of the keys to Creating Wealth That Lasts is to develop a long term perspective and to not get caught up with what the Jones’s are doing. Do you really need all the new gadgets that are coming out?

What about designer clothes? You should buy good quality, as this will last much longer. But how much are you willing to pay for a NAME on a piece of clothing? It will be out of style in no time anyways.

Here is some information I found on Mike Tyson. Please do not think that I am providing this information to disparage Mike but to provide an example.

During a 20 year career he earned in excess of $400 million. Before his 39th birthday he was $39 million in debt. Minus $39 million after earning $400 million!

He employed, at one time, more than 200 people including bodyguards, chauffeurs, etc.

Let’s look at his spending:
1. $4.5 million on cars and motorcycles.
2. $3.4 million on clothes and jewelry.
3. $7.8 million on personal expenses.
4. $140,000 on 2 white Bengal tigers and $125,000/yr for their trainer.
5. $2 million on a bathtub for his first wife.
6. $410,000 on a birthday party.
7. $230,000 on cell phones and pagers during a 3 year period.

If you feel that being wealthy is about big cars, mansions, jets, expensive jewely, etc., you will have a hard to develop good savings habits and you might find yourself having made good incomes throughout the years but not have much to show for it.

Take a long term view.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Have you wondered if your efforts are making a difference? I have been sharing over the last months my thoughts to benefit people with some of the knowledge I have accumulated through trial and error & blood, sweat and tears!

As I have worked on this, I have seen my message go out into the Internet world and my brand comes up in the top 10 of the search engines!

I have a friend in Quebec, Canada and he had lost my contact information. He Googled me and he found my blog site. Not only was I able to reconnect with him, I have been able to share my passion!

It’s vitally important that YOU share your particular passion. YOU have a unique message that enables you to touch and reach people.

As I share “Creating Wealth That Lasts” my goal is to make a difference in people’s lives. One of the ways YOU can Create Wealth That Lasts is to find your passion and to take ACTION!

Your message will get out and you will find yourself reaching and creating an audience and reconnecting with old friends.


Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Get ready here they are:

1. The work hard: Average of 59 hours a week, however, they love what they do and it's not really work.

2. They are good at what they do: Practice, practice practice !

3. They have multiple streams of income: Diversify what you are doing.

4. They live in relatively inexpensive homes. The bigger the home, the bigger the maintenance and upkeep costs. It's costing you !

5. Moderate in spending: They do buy on sale and are good shoppers !

6. The save, save, save: It becomes a habit.

7. They pay themselves first. For savings, investments, etc.

8. They count their money. They keep accurate records on all of their spending. They know where their money is going.

Do you see yourselves on this list?


Tuesday, November 25, 2008


We all have heard the following: Have a positive attitude! It seems almost like a cliché but it is one of the most important elements in living a wealthy life. In the Power of Positive Thinking, Norman Vincent Peale stated the following:

“Too many people are defeated by the everyday problems of life. They go struggling, perhaps even whining, through their days with a sense of dull resentment at what they consider the “bad breaks” life has given them.. In a sense, there may be such a thing as “bad breaks” in this life, but there is also a spirit and method by which we can control and even determine the breaks. It is a pity that people should let themselves be defeated by problems, cares, and the difficulties of human existence, and it is quite unncessary…. By learning how to cast obstacles from your mind, by refusing to become mentally subservient to them and by channeling spiritual powers through your thoughts, you can rise above obstacles which ordinarily defeat you”.

It’s about thinking and doing! Positive thinking will help but is must be added to ACTION and WHAT YOU DO!

If you want to master the art of living a wealthy life in all aspects of your life, you must learn to master all aspects of wealth building, which is covered in all its aspects in Creating Wealth That Lasts !

Be thankful!! You can make it!


Thursday, November 20, 2008


Getting control of your time is a key element to living a balanced life and building a wealthy life. Here is what Brian Tracey has to say about time management: "Effective people plan their time in tight time increments. They think in terms of 10-15 minute blocks. They plan every day in detail, in advance. They make every minute count. As a result, they accomplish vastly more than the average person, and they feel much better about themselves."

Key areas you want to improve in:

1. Tackling emails: This can be time consuming and get you off on a tangent and away from concentrating on your most important tasks. Keep your personal emails short and simple. Set specific times during the day to check emails and stick to it. Whatever works best for you.
I personally am finding that "instant messaging" is not that great to have. It interupts the work flow.

2. Attack your tasks in blocks of time: exercise, reading mail, making and taking calls, etc. Finish one block and move on to the next.

3. Learn how to delegate. Non essential tasks should be given to someone else: spouse, independant contractor, etc. Focus on those tasks that only you can do.

4. Be slow to hire and quick to fire. ( More on this at a later time )

Time management is essential and once you get control of your time, you will find you are accomplsing more in less time.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Your are starting to realize that you need to take ACTION! A good friend of mine, Giovanna Garcia, says " Imperfect Action is better than No Action !" You realize that if you don't change-your life will not change.

Think about your wife, kids, family, friends,etc. you can have an influence on them by taking charge of your life and moving ahead. Make a COMMITTMENT to change ! But, you MUST take action !

What is your time frame? Tommorrow, after your next vacation, after Thanksgiving, after Christmas, next year? Get the drift. The time is NOW!. Don't put this off.

Let's talk about goals:

1. Goals for your family life!

2. Goals for your health!

3. Social and charitable goals!

4. Personal goals!

5. Financial goals!

Remember,Creating Wealth That Lasts is multidimensional. You don't want to build a financial empire and lose everything that is really important in your life.

The next step is setting time lines for these: Weekly, monthly, yearly, 5 years, 10 years, 15 years, etc. This will put things in perspective and will increase your focus.

This is not meant to be an exercise in goal setting but to provide a blueprint for you to follow.

The following was noted from a wealth building coach:

" We are all given an equal number of hours to spend each day. How we use them makes the difference between success and failure. I had learned,pretty early, the importance of working long and hard. What I never knew-until a conversation with a good friend, was the immense benefit of getting to work early."

By being focused and having goals that guide you, you will be energized and by starting now and starting earlier each day, you will take back your life !


Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Here is a profile of a typical American millionaire:

There are considerable variables among the millions of Americans who are millionaires but most typically they:

1. Made their money, rather than inherited.
2. Have between 1 million and 5 million in net worth.
3. Made their money by running their own companies.
4. Live frugally by clipping coupons, driving older cars, and so on.
5. Managed to save on surprisingly moderate, median-level incomes averaging $131,000/yr.

What doe this tell you? First you need to have your own business. Really!

Now is the right time to act. We are in unprecedented times. There has never been a better time to start a business. The world is waiting for innovation and in the coming years we will see phenomenal growth in new industries that don’t even exist today.

Today is the day of opportunity. Crisis in Chinese means “opportunity”. Seize the opportunity in front of you. Don’t buy into the negativity of the media.

Better days are ahead. Guaranteed! Why is now the best time to build wealth? Now is always the best time.

Now is the best time to start anything. Results take time and time is in short supply. The sooner you start, the sooner you will see results.

You can’t control the economy. You can’t control the environment. But you can become wealthier tomorrow than you are today. Make a decision and do it!

Let’s get started !!!!!!


Monday, November 17, 2008


Before getting into specific strategies or mindsets, I would like you to consider the following answers provided by Bill Gates, the wealthiest man in the world, when questioned about his success:

1. Life isn’t fair-get used to it.

2. The world doesn’t care about your self esteem, it expects you to accomplish something before feeling good about yourself.

3. You won’t make 60K a year right out of high school or be vice president of a cell phone company. You have to earn it.

4. Do you think your teacher is tough? Wait till you have a boss-he’s not tenured.

5. Flipping burgers isn’t beneath you, your grandparents called it opportunity.

6. Your parents weren’t always boring; it came from feeding you, cleaning your clothes, and paying your bills. So before you rush out to save the rain forest from the “parasites” of your parents generation, try delousing your own closet.

7. Some schools may have abolished winners and losers, but life hasn’t. They may have eradicated “failing grades” and given you as long as you want to get the right answer. This bears no resemblance to reality.

8. Life isn’t divided into semesters. You don’t get summers off. Employers aren’t interested in helping you find yourself, you do that on your own time.

9. Unlike television, real people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to work.

10. Be nice to nerds, chances are you’ll end up working for one someday.

No shortcuts. You’ve got to work for it!


Sunday, November 16, 2008


After spending most of my adult life in debt, I finally got to the point where I had to do something to make the most of my potential in life. I had to get my life in order not only for myself but for my family.

I had a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, had spent numerous years in different businesses, taught business classes and I was in DEBT! I was a voracious reader and read a wide variety of business books and magazines and found alot of confusing information.

The day came that I made THE DECISION to get out of debt and most importantly to stay out of debt. I had been in debt on three different occasions and got out of debt, the last time for good.

I have developed a passion for sharing what I have learned because I know firsthand the heartache that being in debt can cause. It affects all aspects of our lives: family, marriage, health, relationships, spiritual, etc.

Therefore, to me, Creating Wealth That Lasts is not only about finances, it is about having wealth in your marriage, in your family, your relationships, your health, and in your spiritual life.

Creating Wealth That Lasts is about leaving a legacy for future generations. My wife and I have taught our son and daughter the principles we have learned and they have started their adult lives with no debt and the knowledge needed to stay out of debt.

I want to teach, motivate, and inspire as many people as I can to live a debt free life and to live a balanced life through Creating Wealth That Lasts in all areas of their lives.

This will be a life long endeavor affecting one person at a time.



Thursday, November 13, 2008

Face The Facts: Review !

So you have faced the facts! We all have a starting place and if we learn the different keys along the way, not only will we get to our destination, we will enjoy the journey.

Being debt free is attainable to everyone who chooses to live this way. The biggest challenge is to change our habits and mindset. For a long time I thought that I could never get by without debt, as it was the only way I knew.

By now you can see that habits can be changed and you can learn a new way of living. You have to learn not to get carried away by all the contradictory information in the media.

Don't listen to the gloom and doom on T.V, radio, newspapers, and the Internet. The world has had numerous challenges in every century and people survived, lived fruitful lives, and prospered.

Creating Wealth That Lasts is about living a balanced life in all the major areas of life. Learn to look at the big picture in your life. Don't focus on the immediate.

Two weeks ago I went to San Diego,California for 3 days of Internet training with Craig and Giovanna Garcia, two of the top trainers in the industry. I came back excited and motivated. Within one week I had to put a new roof on one of my properties, fix the furnace in the same property, and put major money in two of my vehicles. All expenses I had not anticipated.

I was able to take the hit because I had the cash to pay for these expenses. I did not like the fact that I had to dish it out,however, I did not have to incur any debt and that to me is a HUGE blessing. Thank God!


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Face The Facts: Part V

How much wealth do you need? Good question and this will vary with people depending on their perceived needs, age, and where they are financially at this juncture in their lives.

The recent stock market crash has drastically changed people's financial status, to put in mildly. Refer to Warren Buffet in my last blog.

Social security, medicare, and all other government programs are problematic at this time and no one really knows how this will play out.

Your future does not have to rest with the government. If you play that card, you are playing against a stacked deck. You need to take charge of your own future.

Homework time. Where do you stand?

1. List all of your assests: stocks, bonds, CD's, IRA's, savings accounts, etc.

2. Do not include your home or your car. Why? You will probably still want to drive and you need a place to stay. You will not liquidate these.

3. List your liabilities: credit card, loans, business debts, etc.

4. Subtract your liabilities from your assets.

If your net worth is less than $300,000, you are not in a position to retire any time soon. Not that you want to or need to retire at any time in your life. With the proper finances in line, you can choose to do something different with your time.

What you really need is to accumulate enough capital to generate a passive income that will pay for all your basic bills: housing, food, utilities, etc.

This is what CreatingWealthThatLasts is all about.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Face The Facts: Part IV

I have read literaly 100's of financial books, subscribed to numerous publications and have found that the amount of information you get is not only overwhelming but contradicatory !

Traditional wisdom that is out there will keep you confused and poor.

Most eperts tell you to skip your coffee at Starbucks, invest the $3.50 you pay on a daily basis at 10% interest and 40 years later you are all set. Where can you get a 10% return today? Why wait 40 years? Who wants to keep gambling on the stock market?

It is important to be careful of how you spend your money but you won't get rich doing this.

Most of these so called experts make their money selling their books or newsletters,not by implementing what they are recommending.

Very few people have not been affected by the recent stock market crash. Even Warren Buffet, the guru of investing, recently lost 10 Billion dollars. Don't you feel better already. Imagine losing 10 Billion dollars!

No matter what your age is you can make it by taking a different path. Almost all wealthy people have made their fortunes from having their own business. You cannot take advantage of the tax system in the United States if you are not operating a business.

For those of you who are already business owners and are going through hard times, don't despair. You already have a wealth of knowledge to draw from.

In today's challenging economic times, there are still innumerable opportunties for generating wealth.

Having your own business provides you with legitimate tax advantages as you build your business.

Stay tuned for more.


Monday, November 10, 2008

Face The Facts: Part III

Most people fall into two catagories:

1. People who are cautious in their spending and are focused on saving and investing.

2. People who like to spend, spend, spend. They like to project a rich image but it's not real.

The place to start is to develope a savings habit. You spend less than you earn!

Very important: You might like alot of material things but you need the finances to upkeep these things, maintain them, or replace them. If you don't have the cash put aside to do this, you are using present cash flow and you are not in a position to have a serious savings plan.

As I have mentioned earlier, Creating Wealth That Lasts is about having a balanced life in all areas of life. It is multi-dimensional.

Would it be safe to say most people would like the following:

1. A more tranquil and peacful life. Be free from the stress that a lack of finances produces.

2. More leisure time. Working to live, not living to work!

3. Freedom to choose where we live, how we live,etc.

Money should not be the most important thing in your life, but money does matter and
offers an avenue to help friends and family, pursue those things that add value to our lives and to give back in positive ways to society.

Baby boomers are coming to grips with a reality that they did not envision, however, it is never too late.


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Face The Facts: Part II

The reality is that all of us need money coming in to allow us to function in our society. No matter how you where raised and what your family thought about money, you have to come to grips yourself about this issue.

Wealthy people are not necessarily smarter, have unique talents, or come from the right family. They made a decision, at some point in their lives, that they would make finances a priority for a period of time.

Wealth is actually a good thing, not the most important thing in life, but a good thing that can make it easier to find time for those other important areas of life.

Lets consider the following:

1. If you and your family are making $50,000/yr, you are struggling to make ends meet.

2. Between $50,000 and $100,000/yr., some of the pressure is off and you can afford a few things.

3. At the $150,000/yr level, you can start enjoying other aspects of life that make life more fulfilling, however, you must not go overboard in your spending and doing foolish things. Being debt free is essential and I will discuss this at a later time in more detail.

4.As you go over $200,000 to $300,000/yr, you find yourself in a position to give in a meaningful way back to society. You should have more peace of mind, if you have been a good steward of your finances and not squandered it on meaningless things.

5. Once you are at the million a year level of income, you can spend money without being overly concerned. It does not really guarantee an increase in your quality of life, if you do not have balance in your life and your priorities are not right.

Once you get to the $100,000/yr level and focus on increasing from this point on, components that come into play include: saving, being thrifty, looking at the big picture, and careful planning ( being debt free! ).

Part III will provide added insight.


Saturday, November 8, 2008

Face The Facts! Part 1

I find it incredible that some people have an adverse reaction to wealth and to making money. To these types of people, it is demeaning to focus on money and somehow demeaning to one's life.

Most of these people, however, based on my experience, have a socialistic view of life and expect someone else to take care of them.

With the present state of the U.S. economy, let's look at some facts:

1. People are living in Fear. Why? Finances or lack thereof.
a) During this last election, the state of the economy was the major concern.

2. Failing marriages. The # 1 cause of divorce is related to finances.
a) 95% of couples argue about money.

3. Financial bondage. Most people are in deep debt and see no way out of it!
a) A large majority of graduating college students are in debt upwards of $20,000.

How can you be at peace and live a balanced, stress free life if money has you bound?
Americans today spend $1.22 for every $1 they earn. Does this sound right to you?

The facts stare us straight in the face. Money is a big deal and needs to be addressed. We all need to get a proper handle on finances and, believe me, after being in and out of debt on three different occasions, living debt free can be done and the rewards last a lifetime.

The best place to start is to "manage what you have".

To be continued!


Friday, November 7, 2008

Getting Ready to Create Wealth!

As I have stated in prior blogs, being wealthy is not just about money but includes all aspects of life. We need wealth in our health, family, spiritual life, social life, work, business,etc. It is multi-dimensional.

However, the financial aspect is the foundation that allows us to fully experience life to the full in all other areas. This does not mean we are self centered and materialistic. Be real. If you did not have to work at your particular job or business to survive financially, would you continue?

Why are you doing this? We all need finances to survive in the world we live in. Do not bemoan the harsh economic realities that we all face. We live in the best country in the world and millions worldwide would give all they have to live in America with the promise of opportunity for those with vision and passion.

Economic cycles come and go and they always will. Study economic history and you will see there have been multiple financial crises in all centuries. You will also note that certain people have prospered in these times!

There is a formula to living rich in all areas of life. Living rich means living a balanced life. It is a mindset that we can all learn and live by.

I am starting to prepare for 2009 and beyond. There are six steps to this journey and I will be covering these in more detail in the future.

1. Face the facts.

2. Plan to live a wealthy life.

3. Develope wealthy habits.

4. Look into ways to develope alternate forms of income.

5. Look to dramatically increase your income.

6. Put yourself in a position to live the life that you desire.

Stay tuned!


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Now What!

How do you react to news that makes you uncomfortable? Does it alter your perception of your future. In reality, you have more of a large part to play in how your future plays out than anything happening in the world around you!

Why? Because we all have the capacity to choose how we will respond. Creating Wealth That Lasts is a mindset. It is a mindset that covers all aspects of our lives. Living Wealthy in Family, Health, Love, Marriage, etc is controlled from within.

Circumstances change! The economy changes! But with the right mindset, cicumstances are outward but our inward spirit is always at the right place!

Remain focused and at peace.


Monday, November 3, 2008

Thinking Beyond The Election!

In a short few hours we will have elected a new president. Depending on your point of view, you will be excited or concerned. Whoever is president will have an impact on the direction of this country but You can also have an impact on the direction of your life.

History has an ebb and flow to it and people have prospered in the low times and in the high times. Alot depends on how we view life and our attitude.

Opportunity is always present and people are always prospering! Where you are has alot to do about what your are expecting. A few days ago I talked about preparing for 2009. We can't what until December 31st to evaluate the next year and what we want to accomplish.

We need an expectation of better days ahead! Of more love in our lives! More lasting friendships, stronger ties with family members, and overall abundance.

When we operate out of that place, we position ourselves to receive these things because our mind set is set in the right direction.

Keep focused on what can be and your DREAMS!


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Be Where You Are When Your There!

As part of creating wealth that lasts, it's important to live in the moment! At the time that I am writing this I am in San Diego, California undertaking 3 days of intense training on Internet advertising and marketing.

Although this is a business trip and I need to make the most of it, I also need to make sure that I'm an enjoying all the benefits besides the business aspect.

Took time out to have lunch at a marina overlooking the ocean. It was awesome! I am building memories of the trip that will last for a lifetime.

Whether it's business, family, social, or the other aspects of our lives, we need to take advantage of all the unique moments that come our way.

That's living a balanced life one day at a time.

CreatingWealthThat Lasts

Starting to Plan for 2009 !

As we see this year ending and 2009 coming up, now is the time to start evaluating what we have done this year. Waiting until the New Year to make our traditional resolutions is not the right track to follow.

Start now to look at the different aspects of your life and where you are at in each: Financial, Family, Social, Spiritual, and Physical. We have two months to plan and focus on those areas that need the most attention.

As we head into a New Year, we feel hopeful because we can start new and fresh!

Review each area in detail, set time aside to ponder and think and set priorities.

Do not view this as tedious but as necessary to living a balanced life. Do not despise small beginnings.


Friday, October 31, 2008

Wealth is Multi- Dimensional !

Monetary wealth is only one aspect of life. We have all heard the comment: What if you are a Billionaire but lose your health, can you buy it back?

We need to be Wealthy in our Relationships, Spiritual life, Family life, Health, Work/Business arena, Recreation, etc.

We need a plan in all these areas. In other words, we need a Balanced life !

You can be successful in all these areas. It takes a mind set that it can be done!

I can assure you that once you balance your life's journey, it is a great adventure! You find you have more energy, you are more focused, and you can not wait to get a fresh start every day.

Creating Wealth That Lasts

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Creating Wealth that Lasts !

The bottom line in most people's life that prevents them from living up to their full potential is a lack of finances, financial stress, or a large debt load.

This effects all aspects of one's life as it steal's your energy and blocks you from seeing the opportunities all around you. Creating wealth that lasts incorporates a large variety of truths that can assist anyone into achieving a truely balanced life.

The inner core of all is our Spiritual foundation. Once that is aligned right, we can move on to the living out of our lives to fullfill our true potential.

Our focus over the coming months will be putting the pieces of the puzzle together so we can finally get a handle on this problem that is a plague in our society.

Creating wealth that lasts is not only possible, it is achievable by everyone.

Stay tuned.


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Manage your life to build wealth !

I have been out of town and have neglected my blogs lately and I am back on track.

We all have the need for a strong financial base in our lives. We need this to live productive lives and to impact society and the people around us. Having barely enough is not an option. I have been there and this is not the place you want to camp out.

Maybe the economy has you on the ropes and you find yourself in a difficult place. Maybe you are stuck. Let me share a way to start getting out of that place no matter how difficult it could be.

Learn to manage what you have. Are you a good steward? Is your car clean? Is your house in order? Do you make your bed in the morning?

What are you talking about, you may be asking. The first level is managing what we have to make the most of what we have. If you are not a good steward at this time, what makes you think you will be able to handle more!

Start organizing yourself in all the little things and you are preparing yourself for a larger life and greater blessings.

Do not despise small beginnings. Do all the little stuff and you will find your mind gets uncluttered, you start thinking more clearly, and you start to view life in a positive light.

Try it!

Creating Wealth That Lasts

Monday, October 13, 2008

Enlarge your vision !

Those of us who live in the United States are truely blessed. If you look back into history at the list of kings and queens that lived around the world, the people in America today live a lifestyle that they would envy.

It is very easy to become complacent. We should be content but not complacent. Why enlarge your vision? The more that we use our God given potential- the more we can contribute to society as a whole. The more success you have in all areas of your life- the more impact you can have on the people around you and the more you can GIVE.

If you have children and grandchildren, you can leave a legacy that they can build on. We must look farther into the future and as we enlarge our vision we can set into action circumstances that will positively influence generations to follow.

That is what being financially free and debt free can do. We are providing a blueprint for future generations to follow.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Giving-the secret weapon!

What do you do when you have a need and can't find the solution. GIVE !

You lack time-give time to a worthwhile cause. Lack money? Give !!!!!!!

Giving is sowing and when you sow you reap. Your heart intentions must be honorable and you must give with the right attitude. If you are struggling at your job or in your business look into ways to help a coworker or other business person. Encouragement or a kind word, an offer of help, a donation of needed funds ( even when you have little ).

This is a spiritual law and it never fails. You take your eyes off of yourself and look to fill a need. Make this a lifestyle and it will keep you out of debt and you will continue to prosper!

Try it!


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Focus on your dreams!

When we are surrounded by negative input, we need to focus on our dreams which will provide the fuel and overide the negatives.

The control we have over our lives is in large part governed by our thoughts. What we think about effects are emotions, which can be a good or negative thing. What are your dreams!

George Washington dreamed of a free United States and under immense odds focused on his dream. We are benefiting from his focus.

The Unites States is still the land of opportunity. The dreamers in our country will see us through. There are millions of entrepreneurs who are presently in the trenches forging ahead and keeping their focus.

They will reap the fruit of their efforts.

Remain focused!


Monday, October 6, 2008


Have you heard the phrase-What the mind of man can conceive and believe it can achieve !

This is spiritual truth. We must be careful on what we think about and focus on. Thinking lack produces lack and thinking prosperity produces prosperity. The vital link is what you SAY!

Do not repeat the negative you hear in the media. It will produce more of the same. If you have a business- practice verbalizing what you want to happen in your business. The words you speak will make you in tune with opportunities that are all around you.

If you have debt at this time in your life, start stating that you are debt free. You will be surprised to find that over a period of time you will notice opportunites you could have missed and also ways to pay off some of your debt in ways you had not thought about.

In todays economic climate focusing on what we desire is crucial ! Watch your mouth !


Sunday, October 5, 2008

Can your business prosper in challenging times?

Do you know that during the great depression, massive fortunes where made?

During cycles of economic downturns history records thousands of new millionaires or millionaires that prospered greatly. That is why being debt free and having cash reserves is so crucial.

When you have cash in a down cycle you can buy a large variety of goods at great prices. Plus you are able to add to the economy. You must not buy into the negative media. Economic cycles are part of the ebb and flow of economies and believe me astute business people are aware of this and the opportunities it represents.

If you have a viable business-look for the opportunity in front of you. If you have a job and possibly just lost your job, don't start focusing on getting another job long term ( short term yes for finances ), long term- start thinking of having your own business.

People today realize that they cannot have all their eggs in one basic. We must all diversfy and developing multiple sources of income is where we need to focus.

With the Internet age upon us, we all have numerous resources that can add to our overall success.

Don't be alarmed with the gloom and doom! In the early 1800's the world was in a panic due to a scarcity in whale oil ! This too shall pass.


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Building a Business Requires Focus !

Your business plan must be detailed but also flexible. The unique thing about building a business on the Internet is that you get overwhelmed with information. Your email inbox will get flooded with offers on how to improve, expand, accelerate your business, etc.

This can lead you down a side road you don't want to go down. You can also spend money on products that you think you need and, if you are not careful, you will incur unnecessary debt or use up your cash reserves.

The lifeline to your business is cash flow. You must concentrate on your expenses and you can do this by focusing on the key elements in your business that will create cash flow.

If an expense doesn't increase cash flow or does not have the potential to do so, you need to seriously consider the outcome !

I have built several businesses and have made numerous mistakes that have cost me money.

Becoming Financially Free involves positive cash flow and no debt.

Keep focused !

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What we can all learn from the Financial Meltdown !

As we develope our businesses we need to also focus on any levels of debt we might have or intend to aquire. Most of the conventional wisdom concerning business expansion talks about good debt and bad debt and how to leverage yourself.

Having been in and out of debt on 3 different occasions I believe in NO DEBT!

The financial mess in this country is due in large part to the promotion of debt as part of our rights as citizens. Corporate greed sets in and we find more extremes in the lending institutions and we have what we have today.

Saving and thrift are forgotten concepts. Do you want to build a business and lose it all due to bad debt management?

Save, put off all unnecessary expenditures, buy with cash! It can be done! Believe me!

You sleep much better at night when you are debt free. You can focus on your business and as the money comes in you plan wisely and build up cash reserves.

Try it !


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

So you want to be a Millionaire !

Most people have a hard time to grasp that there is no shortcut to success in business. There is no such thing as overnight success. If you have seen successfull people in all walks of life: sports, business, entertainment-they might have been discovered overnight but the bottom line is most, if not all, have had years in the trenches.

We all need to look at overselves. Most of us have had jobs and usually several. Take a look at the last job you had where you had earned the most income. How long did it take for you to get to that level? It will be no different in business. It will take time to climb that mountain.

The big difference is that if you have an Internet business you can leverage yourself and accelerate the pace. All you need is the ability to commit to becoming a good student, persevere, and don't lose HOPE.


Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Learning Curve to Starting a Business

Did you every hear the saying "Everybody wants a job but not everybody wants to work !"

Most people would say they want to have their own business, however, not everybody wants to put in the blood, sweat, and tears to get this done.

When I was in high school my Dad had a men's clothing store. The store was open from 8 A.M to 5:30 P.M Monday to Thursday and Friday and Saturday to 9:30 P.M. Talk about a long week !

We did everything: stocking, pricing, cleaning, displays, ordering. My Dad did the tailoring and my Mom and I filled in as needed.

This led to me to getting a degree in Business Managment and I ended up teaching business for 10 years. ( I did not want to be tied down to a store for all those hours ? )

Eventually I got in involved in an MLM business. This was the best training ground for business I could have found. I did not make alot of money but I learned perseverance, people skills, goal setting, overcoming fears, and how to NOT QUIT.

It takes time to master any business. Don't expect to become a millionaire in the first month. ( Yet maybe you could be the first !). When I got involed in Internet marketing I did not know how to cut and paste. When I learned how to to do this I felt like an Internet guru !

First rule in business: Get to know your business. You are not in a race with anyone. If someone else is successful in this business, you can be also.

The inititial excitement will fade ( usually after the first month !) Then you roll up your sleeves and get started.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

You need a business to get really wealthy !

Did you know that the tax laws in the U.S are geared to help businesses? Small businesses are the backbone of the U. S. economy. The large corporations get all the headlines but it is the small businesses that add the most jobs in this country.

If you are an employee you cannot take advantage of the tax laws in this country. Business owners take risks and incur expenses as part of operating a business. That is why the government has put into place incentives for people to go into business.

Businesses keep the economy going, they provide jobs, income flows, etc.

Becoming wealthy requires keeping your personal finances in order and developing several income streams. If you are a W-2 employee right now, it would be prudent to investigate the exciting world of business.

The Internet has changed the way business is being done and people are becoming millionaires in ever increasing numbers.

Becoming wealthy: Live debt free, develop several side businesses while keeping your day job, give in ever increasing amounts.

On your way to Financial Freedom !

You got rid of your credit card debt. Great ! Now don't make the same mistake that I did and go back to your old money habits. You need to buy something. Save the money first than buy.

You can pay cash but it might not be the new car you wanted but a good second hand car that is 2-3 years new and you don't have to pay the depreciation on it. I drive my cars till they drop. You can get up to 200, 000 miles on a car. All the time that you are not making monthly payments you can put the money away for the purchase of the next car.

Believe me if you have $15,000, $20,000, or $30,000 in cash you will be very aware of what you are spending on the next car and you will not be so quick to get the new model with all the gadgets. Hey, if you are doing well and can afford to pay cash for the new model, go for it if it does not impact other aspects of your finances.

On a smaller scale, you will be able to pay cash for clothes, things for the kids, a new washer or fridge when the old one goes. The payoff: no stress of where the money is going to come from.

To come: multiple streams of income.

How can I avoid bankruptcy ?

If you want to live life off integrity and keep your peace of mind, no matter how dire your circumstances are-you can make it.

No company wants to drag you through court proceedings. You made your choice to buy on credit and maybe things are tough: you lost your job or your spouse did, the economy tanked and your savings with it but you can prevail.

Years ago I worked for a company that was going through hard times and they could not make all of the payments for stock they had ordered. Here is what they did:

1. They called and also wrote every creditor and told them they had every intention of paying what they owed and wanted to develop a payment plan.

2. The determined an amount they could send and sent this out regularly- at least once a month.

3. They maintained monthly phone contact with them.

The results where that the companies worked with them and they where able to stay in business and later start ordering from these companies again.

There are ways to restructure your debt also but this should be done as a last resort as it usually extends the time to pay off your debt.

Again, don't incur any additional debt in this process.

Believe me, companies will welcome your honesty and will work with you !

Are credit cards necessary ?

My feeling originally was that if I did not have a credit card I could not leave the house ! In todays society credit cards are needed for alot of transactions: renting a car, a room at a hotel, etc.

The key is to PAY off the credit card at the end of every month. We use credit cards for all of our house expenses and business expenses for the sole reason of getting air miles. We get several free airline tickets every year by doing this. However, we pay off the cards at the end of every month. If you don't do this, you are not gaining anything.

So you have balances on several cards? I had 11 with balances ! Pay off the card with the highest interest rate first. Add an extra 10 % to the minimum payment if you cannot pay it in full. Do this until the balance is paid.

When this is done, add the amount you where paying on this card on a monthly basis and add it to the second card with the highest interest rate. Keep doing this until all your cards are paid off.

The one major rule is: STOP adding NEW credit card debt. If you keep adding new debt, you are digging yourselft into a bigger hole.

Don't worry about how long this will take. Just DO IT !

Thoughts to keep you out of debt !

Since living debt free requires a new mind set, you really need to develop new habits. Do you realize that the more you watch TV the more apt you are to overspend. Why? Advertising!!!!

They want your money ! Do you really need that new car, coat, vacation, dress, etc? The answer is: No you don't need it. You want it but don't need it.

The Internet is the same way. Advertising hits you everywhere. Every try to diet and watch TV, especially late at night. Really tough!

Don't put yourself in a position to get tempted. Read instead. Walk. Play games with your kids.

Don't socialize at the mall. It seems that going to the Mall is the great American hobby.

Be content. Be thankful. We in America are more blessed than 99 % of the rest of the world.

Being thankful and content is the start to living within our means..

Being content should not be confused with being complacent !

Later I will provide insight into ways to increase your cashflow. One step at a time.

The debt free mindset !

Let's face it, starting up a steep slope is not easy and if the mountain is big it can get discouraging. You will get discouraged. I did !

Do I have to live like a miser? Do I really need to cut out that cup of coffee? No you don't but you can develop new habits. Stop drinking coffee. I can hear you now- Are you nuts !

Hey, it's a process. Just trying to get you to think. When I started jogging years ago I had a hard time to jog for three minutes ! Over a period of time I was able to run for close to 2 hours.

Same with being debt free. Tell yourself you are Debt Free and it is just a matter of time.

Are you an impulsive shopper? Concerned about keeping up with the neighbors? How important is your peace of mind ?

Some ideas:

1. Nothing feels as good as being debt free !

2. Ten seconds to use my credit card-1 year to pay it off.

3. If I don't need it, I don't buy it.

Getting the picture.

The Magic bullet to getting debt free !

Is there a secret? Can I find this secret? Yes you can!

You might not like the answer: GIVE 10% OF YOUR INCOME !

I told you it would not be what you expected.

You see there is NO lack in the universe. If there was-GOD made a mistake. I can hear you saying: "I can't make it on 100% how can I make it on 90%?

The answer is YOU CAN. It's a spiritual law and it works. Like all laws of the universe you can debate and analyze till your are blue in the face and it will not change anything.

When my wife and I got married we where both in college and living on very little. We always gave a little to different charities and our local church. Never gave it alot of thought. As we looked back on the hard times, we noticed that in all our financial challenges, we never lacked the necessities of life.

We slowly increased until we got to 10% and now our goal is ever increasing year by year. Some people live very well on 20% of their income. As your wealth increases, your level of giving increases and the supply keeps multiplying.

Try it. Start now !

How do I begin to get debt free?

There is a beginning to everything. Let's keep this simple. One thing that drove me crazy was tying to put a budget together. When I did the figures nothing added up. There was always more month left at the end of the money.

Step # 1. On a daily basis write down everything thing you spend.

This is so simple do not miss this step! I told you I started out small. I kept a small note pad with me and whenever I spent money I wrote it down. Stop to gas up, buy a newspaper, soda, shop at Walmart, groceries: You spend it-Write it down!

Tally up at the end of the month by catagories and you will be surprised at where your money went.

Have you been stopping at Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts on your way to work. Don't be surprised at the end of the month to find out you blew $60 to $70. This does not count your lunch?

Starting to get the picture?

This is where you start to find money that was disappearing.

Road map to true financial freedom !

To build a true foundation for wealth you need a plan and a map to get there. Over the course of time I will develop a system that I found piece meal and deliver it to you on a platter.

Over the years my wife and I made efforts to get out of debt. She was the frugal one and I was the spender. Sound familiar? We got into debt and out of debt three different times. The last time I had to make dramatic changes. It had to start with me.

Debt is a spirit that attaches itself to you and you are blinded and are convinced that you need credit cards, mortgages, and car payments even to survive. Remember this is a process.

From the time I made the decision ( with my wife) it took 7 years to remove all debt including our home mortgage.

Since that time we have paid cash for everything: cars, homes, furniture, travel, etc.

Sound too good to be true? Thats what I thought. Stay tuned.

Getting Debt Free !

Does it seem to be an impossiblity to be really debt free? That's what I thought years ago when I was so much in debt that I felt trapped. The economic system encourages a debt life style and few people believe they can survive without credit cards.

There is a better way and believe me-living debt free is the only way to live!

You get alot of conflicting financial information on the web and you need a plan and guidance to get things right. Get debt free for your peace of mind. Get debt free for your family.