Thursday, June 4, 2009


Do you have one or two T.V.’s, maybe three? How many DVD players? One or two, three cars?

We all stress ourselves out at one time or other for stuff that maybe we really don’t need after all.

“ A man is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone.” Henry David Thoreau

Sometimes we get obsessed with saving enough for our retirement, kid’s college, a rainy day, etc. This can be a lack of Faith or fear of lack. If you look at what you have in your home, I can guess that you have much more than your grandparents or even your parents ever had.

In 1999 a man named Bob Thompson sold his Michigan based asphalt and paving company for $422 million dollars. Do you want to know what he did? He shared $130 million of that with his 550 employees and some of them became instant millionaires. He could have easily walked away with the whole amount and nobody would have said anything. He had “higher values”.

So, how much is enough? Are you spending all your time working and you don’t have time for anything else including your family?

“The things that will destroy America are prosperity-at-any-price…the love of soft living, and the get-rich-quick theory of life.” Theodore Roosevelt.

Put your money and the pursuit of it in perspective! If you set priorities for your time and money, you will have a prosperous future and you WILL have enough.



Marketing Unscrambled, Home edition said...

Jacques, this is very needed in today's world. Thank you for this great post. Have a good day.
Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Jacques .. that's an inspiring piece of information .. it does seem that more people are giving back and making an effort to help others grow personally, so they can all help others too.

Thanks - Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters