Thursday, July 16, 2009


Let’s review the different ways of producing income:

1. Employment: Earning money in a job, working for someone else.
2. Self-Employment: Making money working for yourself.
3. Business owner: Producing income with a business system.
4. Investor: Producing income with money.

Ideally you need to have at least two of the above in operation to be on a sound financial footing. No category is better than the other, just different.

I have chosen to build businesses, as this works best for me with my interests, aptitude, character, and temperament. The world of business is focused on taking a calculated risk and requires financial literacy, and leadership. It utilizes the principle of leverage and brings economic freedom.

The best way to learn business skills is to start with a solid multilevel business model. A company that has been around for at least 20 years and is doing over a Billion dollars worth of business per year. There should be no need to inventory any products and you should be able to recoup your initial investment in a few months.

What you will learn in this type of industry is priceless regardless if you commit to this on a long term basis. Look at it as an education that does not require you to go back to school. You will be working with mentors who will guide you along the way.

There are also Internet businesses that have good potential. However, this is like walking into a mine field. There is a lot of hype and scams. You must do your due diligence.

Just remember, there is no free lunch and ever y successful business venture will require lots of hard work and persistence and the efforts are well worth it.


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