Tuesday, August 11, 2009


B.C. Forbes once said “ The business of life is not business, but living”. How true. Most of us face a challenge when trying to balance life, work, business, family, hobbies, etc.

One thing I have learned is that we have to schedule our personal time just like we do business appointments. When you are living a satisfactory, successful life your business and personal hours are closely intertwined but we have to learn to focus on business and personal activities at the appropriate times.

Don’t drag stress and worry from your work to your personal life and vice versa. By separating both, you’ll find that job-related worry and stress levels can be reduced as much as 90%, leaving you more time and energy for personal activities like spending quality time with your friends and family.

If we don’t watch out business time priorities often seem to take precedence over personal time priorities. One reason we all work hard is to have time with our families and do those activities that we like.

Your personal time should be more important-if you want a balanced life. By nature, I am a workaholic. I like to work. There are always emergencies at work but, hey, life is going by while we are all handling emergencies!

Jobs and businesses come and go-but you only have one family, wife, kids! Make time to enjoy them.



Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Jacques .. too true .. we become hooked into what we're doing .. and just changing into another slot doesn't always work .. we both need to make that effort if we're husband and wife .. or father and family.

Thanks - Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters Inspirational Stories

Marketing Unscrambled, Home edition said...

Hello Jacques,

It can be difficult to hit that balance between personal time and business time. Thank you for the time that you put into this blog and all the great things that we are learning here. Thanks again.

Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"