Thursday, September 25, 2008

Road map to true financial freedom !

To build a true foundation for wealth you need a plan and a map to get there. Over the course of time I will develop a system that I found piece meal and deliver it to you on a platter.

Over the years my wife and I made efforts to get out of debt. She was the frugal one and I was the spender. Sound familiar? We got into debt and out of debt three different times. The last time I had to make dramatic changes. It had to start with me.

Debt is a spirit that attaches itself to you and you are blinded and are convinced that you need credit cards, mortgages, and car payments even to survive. Remember this is a process.

From the time I made the decision ( with my wife) it took 7 years to remove all debt including our home mortgage.

Since that time we have paid cash for everything: cars, homes, furniture, travel, etc.

Sound too good to be true? Thats what I thought. Stay tuned.

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