Saturday, November 8, 2008

Face The Facts! Part 1

I find it incredible that some people have an adverse reaction to wealth and to making money. To these types of people, it is demeaning to focus on money and somehow demeaning to one's life.

Most of these people, however, based on my experience, have a socialistic view of life and expect someone else to take care of them.

With the present state of the U.S. economy, let's look at some facts:

1. People are living in Fear. Why? Finances or lack thereof.
a) During this last election, the state of the economy was the major concern.

2. Failing marriages. The # 1 cause of divorce is related to finances.
a) 95% of couples argue about money.

3. Financial bondage. Most people are in deep debt and see no way out of it!
a) A large majority of graduating college students are in debt upwards of $20,000.

How can you be at peace and live a balanced, stress free life if money has you bound?
Americans today spend $1.22 for every $1 they earn. Does this sound right to you?

The facts stare us straight in the face. Money is a big deal and needs to be addressed. We all need to get a proper handle on finances and, believe me, after being in and out of debt on three different occasions, living debt free can be done and the rewards last a lifetime.

The best place to start is to "manage what you have".

To be continued!


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