Friday, November 7, 2008

Getting Ready to Create Wealth!

As I have stated in prior blogs, being wealthy is not just about money but includes all aspects of life. We need wealth in our health, family, spiritual life, social life, work, business,etc. It is multi-dimensional.

However, the financial aspect is the foundation that allows us to fully experience life to the full in all other areas. This does not mean we are self centered and materialistic. Be real. If you did not have to work at your particular job or business to survive financially, would you continue?

Why are you doing this? We all need finances to survive in the world we live in. Do not bemoan the harsh economic realities that we all face. We live in the best country in the world and millions worldwide would give all they have to live in America with the promise of opportunity for those with vision and passion.

Economic cycles come and go and they always will. Study economic history and you will see there have been multiple financial crises in all centuries. You will also note that certain people have prospered in these times!

There is a formula to living rich in all areas of life. Living rich means living a balanced life. It is a mindset that we can all learn and live by.

I am starting to prepare for 2009 and beyond. There are six steps to this journey and I will be covering these in more detail in the future.

1. Face the facts.

2. Plan to live a wealthy life.

3. Develope wealthy habits.

4. Look into ways to develope alternate forms of income.

5. Look to dramatically increase your income.

6. Put yourself in a position to live the life that you desire.

Stay tuned!



Anonymous said...

Dear Jaccques

I love your message "Creating Wealth That Lasts!" I can't wait to keep up and with you.

Giovanna Garcia

Anonymous said...

Dear Jaccques

I love your message "Creating Wealth That Lasts!" I can't wait to keep up and with you.

Giovanna Garcia

Anonymous said...

Gio: Your comments are always appreciated !