Monday, May 11, 2009


If you do, let me know your secret. Is it really necessary to have everything under control? Life has a way of throwing you curve balls.

If you are a control freak, you will wear yourself down and everyone who is close to you. In today’s world we have our home life, work life, life with our spouse, life with our kids, sports and homework with our kids, home chores, hobbies, church work, housework, bills to pay, taking care of ailing parents: Are you tired yet?

We have only a few things that we can control: our attitude is a good one. We can’t control others and the only thing we can do is offer advice, if it’s asked for.

I find it’s a full time job just taking care of my attitude! How about you? Controlling your attitude is a minute to minute endeavor and it will determine to a great extent how you live your life and how successful you will be.

Across the street from one of my homes, is a residence for handicapped people. Watching these people on a day to day basis make me count my blessings. For some of these people, there is absolutely nothing that they can control.

Let go of those things you can’t control. You will be less stressed believe me.



Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Jacques .. good post .. it is difficult being in control .. mind you if you are in control - then you have time for other things!

I too look at others and think how lucky I am: healthy, educated, have a future etc ..

Thanks - I know I'm fortunate and take that into account when I talk to others .. giving them a positive take on their life, or giving them credit for something .. even if small, and a smile as I talk to them and leave them ...
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters

Marketing Unscrambled, Home edition said...

Jacques, we are so blessed in many way. You are right to say let go of the things that you can not control. Those seem to be getting less and less all of the time.
Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"