Wednesday, May 13, 2009


You really can get a promotion in a bad economy. The economy may be going through challenges at this time but the fact is that employers still find it difficult to find good employees.

Let’s look at some reasons why employers often hate their employees:
1. They don’t do their jobs.
2. They don’t do what they say they will do.
3. They come to work late.
4. They leave early.
5. They come to work with personal problems and everyone knows about it.
6. They have no initiative and what to be told what to do.
7. They punch the clock or watch it a long time before punching out.
8. They are content with mediocrity.
9. They complain.
10. They gossip.
11. They never say thank you.
12. They have bad attitudes.
13. They smoke and take smoke breaks.
14. They surf the Net, check personal emails, and spend time instant messaging their friends.
15. They lie.
16. They steal.
17. They do good work, not great work.

So how do you get promoted? DON’T DO THE ABOVE!



Marketing Unscrambled, Home edition said...

You are so right. Do the best that you can do and get the job dine right the first time. If you need to learn something new learn it as quick as you can. Thank you for the good post.
Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Jacques .. I'm still amazed at how unprofessional people are in their jobs .. and they are jolly lucky they've still got one.

It's always a pleasure to be greeted by someone who's happy that you're there, who's willing to help you and guide you through if you need it ..

Slacking isn't my thing .. I must say and being motivated isn't a problem and I'm just glad those attributes were instilled in me early ..

Thanks ..
Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters