Friday, May 15, 2009


Let’s take a look at the world of employees. Employees seem to break down in three basic categories:
1. 20% fall in the bottom group.
2. 60% fall in the middle group.
3. 20% fall in the top group.

Who do you think is worth more to an employer? Jack Welch, the legendary CEO of General Electric, used to let go the bottom 20% of his managers each year. Take about pressure to produce!

Let’s examine the three levels of employees:
1. Bottom 20%:
a) Barely get to work on time.
b) They are clueless and are focused on getting a check at the end of the week. End of discussion.

2. Middle 20%:
a) Basically good people.
b) Hard working.
c) Focused on their job only. Not focused on the business as a whole.
d) Usually not happy or satisfied at what they do.

3. Top 20%:
a) They GET it!
b) They have goals, are motivated, want to advance and increase their income.
c) They have direction in life, are usually more positive and upbeat.
d) The try to look good, speak well, and are usually concerned about their co-workers.
e) They tend to run things; they fire the bottom 20%, hire and give raises to the middle 60%, and they lead the top 20%.
f) They also earn significantly more than the other two groups.

Where do you fit in? If you’re not at the top, you now know what to do.

Do it!

1 comment:

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Jacques .. thanks for this .. I am definitely worth a lot .. especially to me .. now that I'm out of the job market place .. motivated, interested, constantly learning, etc etc

Thanks - Hilary Melton-Butcher
Positive Letters