Friday, December 26, 2008


The holidays are coming to an end and some people will have an emotional let down. We build up so much anticipation ahead of this time of year and sometimes circumstances are such that we do not experience what we had thought would happen.

But such is life. We all need a long term perspective and we all have the potential of an unlimited future. One of my new year’s resolutions is to watch less news! I feel the news networks are biased and determined to be as negative as they can.

Our lives are not controlled by the circumstances around us. Our attitudes and beliefs systems have a major impact of the world we see and the world we can create.

We live in the best of times and the worst of times. Sound familiar?

As we start thinking of the new year, let’s make a choice to be the best, believe the best, and do our best to make 2009 the BEST year we have had so that we can have a major positive impact on our families, friends, and society in general.



Anonymous said...

Thanks for this post :-) Yes, let's make a choice to be the best, believe the best, and do our best each and everyday! The only thing we can control is what we do, so we should all do our best, think the best and be the best...

Giovanna Garcia

Anonymous said...

We only live once and we must make the BEST of it. There is no other choice but to live life to the fullest.

Many Blessings....
Hugo and Roxanne
~ Believe Achieve ~

Unknown said...

Great blog post Jacques. I know exactly what you are talking about....all the build up for the holidays...and then....blam!!!

I look forward to a great 2009.