Saturday, December 20, 2008


The Consumer Credit Counseling Service gives these warning signs:
1. An increasing amount of your net pay is going to debt payments.
2. You pay only the minimum payments on your credit cards.
3. You’ve reached you limit on credit cards.
4. You pay bills with money that was intended for other things.
5. You use credit cards to pay for things that you used to pay for with cash.
6. You often pay bills late.
7. You delay or omit visits to the doctor or dentist because money is tight.
8. You get calls from collection agencies regarding unpaid bills.
9. You work overtime or a second job to raise cash to pay bills.
10. Losing a job would create instant financial trouble.
11. Money is a constant concern to you.

If any of this relates to you , you are probably in DEBT and need to focus on getting out of debt.
Don’t panic, in the coming days I will share with you strategies to help you get out of debt and to stay out of debt !

Creating Wealth That Lasts.

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