Saturday, December 13, 2008


1. They have very low or no debt! No matter how good or how bad the economy is they refuse to go into debt. They are very conservative with their money. Now, do you really need the 72 inch plasma T.V. that you can put on our credit card?

2. They save their money ( at least 10% ) and they invest it carefully and cautiously. They are prepared to wait many years to achieve financial independence.

3. The above makes them sure of themselves and they are rarely anxious and worried, as they know that they have the resources needed to withstand any economic downturns. They are more positive in their outlooks.

4. They own businesses. Plural. Calvin Coolidge said “ The business of America is business”. They are not out looking for a JOB. They are out looking for their next business venture.

5. They take control of their TIME. They are not concerned about Dr. Phil and the rest of the talking heads. They are FOCUSED and they make every minute count.

6. They have short range, mid range, and long range goals. This keeps them in tune with their goals, keeps them focused, and aware of their time commitments.

7. They expect to succeed and they do!

8. They do not have a victim mentality and do not expect the government to have the answers.

Are these some of the strategies that you are using? It’s time to take charge and change your mindsets.



Anonymous said...

Great post! You made all the good points. My favorites are #5 and #7. Thank You,

Anonymous said...

Gio: Your support is invaluable. Thanks for talking the time to comment!