Sunday, December 21, 2008


I subscribe to various business magazines and it is always interesting to see the contradictory advice that you get. Are these people really professionals! They all sound so sure of themselves and profess to be experts at telling you how to invest your money.

I would be anxious to see how they personally have done this past year with their own money. Usually financial advisors make money by charging fees and they make their money that way. It does not matter if you are personally losing your shirt, they are still making money.

Here is what one expert was expounding in a recent Forbes magazine article: In order to be able to reach your retirement goals you need to consider the following:
1. Work longer. Don’t retire early.
2. Spend less.
3. Earn more

Pretty amazing stuff, huh! Do you want to pay someone to get this advice? This is common sense and you should be doing the above naturally.

Retirement is a trap! We were made to work and retirement is not in the cards.
You might change the work that you do, the amount of time that you work and even be volunteering your time. The idea that we should all retire, play golf, or go fishing is a LIE.

We all need to be productive all of our lives. It is crucial to our mental health and our obligation to give back what we have learned to future generations.

As far as finances go. Do not trust your hard earned money to so called experts, most of whom do not make money on their own advice.

Basic principles: Spend less than you make, save as much as you can, give as much as you can, and do not incur needless debt.


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