Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Christmas is about CHRIST! No Christ-no Christmas. JESUS is the ultimate gift to mankind. He started Creating Wealth That Lasts so that all of humanity could fulfill the destiny that HE had in mind.

Unfortunately, the majority of people have lost the real meaning of Christmas. Happy Holidays? No, it’s Merry Christmas!

Most people are focused on receiving gifts and giving gifts. Most people will incur needless debt during this period and will spend all of next year paying on that debt. This is crazy.

You should never put gifts on credit cards that you cannot pay off at the end of the month. If you don’t have the cash: make something, volunteer your time, be creative. Not stupid.

Because today’s culture is programming us to spend, spend, spend ( and for what purpose) people are setting themselves up for a bad start to a new year.

Most of us in the United States have a standard of living far beyond what most people that have ever lived on this planet have ever had. What else do we need?

We need to focus on what is really important. Family, friends, health, and CHRIST!

Be thankful. Be blessed. Be a giver.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christmas is not about shopping or opening boxes of gifts. It is much more than that! Thanks for your very wise post :-)

One of the secret to wealth is to live beneath your means.

Great post! Thank You,
Giovanna Garcia