Wednesday, December 10, 2008


1. Do you really want it? Do you have the DESIRE for it?

a) This will require commitment,sacrifices, and delayed gratification.
b) If you want it badly enough, you will achieve it.

2. You must make a DECISION!

a) This means you must do something. Not just think and talk about it. Do it!
b) Are you willing to pay the price?

3. Determination!
a) You will need to persist through the bad times, setbacks,and obstacles.
b) You must be mentally prepared to get back up and start all over again.
c) Determination and persistence are the magic ingredients in all success.

4. Discipline:
a) You need the WILL to get it done!
b) You need to develop the daily, weekly, and monthly habits and never stop.
c) You cannot compare yourself to other people.

Grade yourself on the above on a scale of 1-10. Where are you? This is not a test but a way of evaluating where you are on the path to Creating Wealth That Lasts.


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