Wednesday, December 31, 2008


As I ponder this past year, it is easy for me to say that I am BLESSED! This is not bragging on me but on the LORD!

This coming January 29th I will have been married to my wonderful wife Claudette for 39 years. For those of you who are married, you know perfectly well what a challenge marriage can be and also how rewarding. I am blessed that my wife has stuck by me in thick and thin. She is a saint.

I am blessed to have two wonderful grown children, Jason and Michelle, and they are a reflection of the love and input that their mother has poured into them.

I am blessed to live in the United States of America. It is the best place to live and I am proud of what this country stands for and what we continue to do to make it a place of freedom!

I am blesssed to have friends and family, a thriving business, a hope filled future and a brand new year to start over in those areas that I need to excell in.

Count YOUR blessings and you too will feel empowered to enter the New Year with anticipation and thankfulness in your heart.


Friday, December 26, 2008


The holidays are coming to an end and some people will have an emotional let down. We build up so much anticipation ahead of this time of year and sometimes circumstances are such that we do not experience what we had thought would happen.

But such is life. We all need a long term perspective and we all have the potential of an unlimited future. One of my new year’s resolutions is to watch less news! I feel the news networks are biased and determined to be as negative as they can.

Our lives are not controlled by the circumstances around us. Our attitudes and beliefs systems have a major impact of the world we see and the world we can create.

We live in the best of times and the worst of times. Sound familiar?

As we start thinking of the new year, let’s make a choice to be the best, believe the best, and do our best to make 2009 the BEST year we have had so that we can have a major positive impact on our families, friends, and society in general.


Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Christmas is about CHRIST! No Christ-no Christmas. JESUS is the ultimate gift to mankind. He started Creating Wealth That Lasts so that all of humanity could fulfill the destiny that HE had in mind.

Unfortunately, the majority of people have lost the real meaning of Christmas. Happy Holidays? No, it’s Merry Christmas!

Most people are focused on receiving gifts and giving gifts. Most people will incur needless debt during this period and will spend all of next year paying on that debt. This is crazy.

You should never put gifts on credit cards that you cannot pay off at the end of the month. If you don’t have the cash: make something, volunteer your time, be creative. Not stupid.

Because today’s culture is programming us to spend, spend, spend ( and for what purpose) people are setting themselves up for a bad start to a new year.

Most of us in the United States have a standard of living far beyond what most people that have ever lived on this planet have ever had. What else do we need?

We need to focus on what is really important. Family, friends, health, and CHRIST!

Be thankful. Be blessed. Be a giver.


Sunday, December 21, 2008


I subscribe to various business magazines and it is always interesting to see the contradictory advice that you get. Are these people really professionals! They all sound so sure of themselves and profess to be experts at telling you how to invest your money.

I would be anxious to see how they personally have done this past year with their own money. Usually financial advisors make money by charging fees and they make their money that way. It does not matter if you are personally losing your shirt, they are still making money.

Here is what one expert was expounding in a recent Forbes magazine article: In order to be able to reach your retirement goals you need to consider the following:
1. Work longer. Don’t retire early.
2. Spend less.
3. Earn more

Pretty amazing stuff, huh! Do you want to pay someone to get this advice? This is common sense and you should be doing the above naturally.

Retirement is a trap! We were made to work and retirement is not in the cards.
You might change the work that you do, the amount of time that you work and even be volunteering your time. The idea that we should all retire, play golf, or go fishing is a LIE.

We all need to be productive all of our lives. It is crucial to our mental health and our obligation to give back what we have learned to future generations.

As far as finances go. Do not trust your hard earned money to so called experts, most of whom do not make money on their own advice.

Basic principles: Spend less than you make, save as much as you can, give as much as you can, and do not incur needless debt.


Saturday, December 20, 2008


The Consumer Credit Counseling Service gives these warning signs:
1. An increasing amount of your net pay is going to debt payments.
2. You pay only the minimum payments on your credit cards.
3. You’ve reached you limit on credit cards.
4. You pay bills with money that was intended for other things.
5. You use credit cards to pay for things that you used to pay for with cash.
6. You often pay bills late.
7. You delay or omit visits to the doctor or dentist because money is tight.
8. You get calls from collection agencies regarding unpaid bills.
9. You work overtime or a second job to raise cash to pay bills.
10. Losing a job would create instant financial trouble.
11. Money is a constant concern to you.

If any of this relates to you , you are probably in DEBT and need to focus on getting out of debt.
Don’t panic, in the coming days I will share with you strategies to help you get out of debt and to stay out of debt !

Creating Wealth That Lasts.

Thursday, December 18, 2008


1. Get started in a business in the next 30 days !. Identify a service or product that excites you.

2. If you are already in business, focus on new ways of selling or marketing. Get on the Internet and check out what your competition is doing.

3. Upgrade your sales skills. 95 percent of all sales people can improve their performance by investing time in training, seminars, books, and CD’s.

4. Get around like minded people. Get involved in local business associations. Look for groups you can belong to on the Internet. Do you have a Facebook account? Are you on Twitter? The possibilities to network are endless.

5. Be prepared to fail your way to success. Learn from your mistakes. Don’t give up. Almost all major successes in life and business come at the end of a series of failures.

Giovanna Garica, a friend and mentor, says: “Imperfect Action is Better Than No Action.” We must all be in the AC TION mode. There is no other way.

In today’s economy, action is key. Get started !

Creating Wealth That Lasts

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


1. Your service or product must be timely for today’s market. It must be priced right and promoted. Nothing sells itself.

2. People do not buy products, they buy benefits. People are looking for solutions to their problems. You must clarify what problem you are solving for them.

3. The product or service must satisfy an existing want or need. Is your product or service really needed?

4. You must be believable. Credibility is everything. It takes time to build credibility and it can be lost in an instant.

5. Your customer must be able to afford and pay for your product or service. Don’t try selling ice to an Eskimo. You must promote to the right prospects.

Creating Wealth That Lasts in business incorporates the essence of all business: effecting selling and marketing. You must have a long term picture and as you build your business/life and promote your brand you must always analyze the steps above to make sure you are still on the right track.

Never take anything for granted.

Creating Wealth That Lasts

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


1. Set specific financial goals: 3-6-9-12 month goals. 2-5-10 year goals. Write them down, visualize them!

2. Offer a superior product or service: What makes you different from the rest?

3. Start small and grow slowly: Don’t over reach. You are not competing with Microsoft or Google! Learn your business, be patient, and invest your time. Finance your own business instead of borrowing.

4. Test before you invest: Before you make any major move or invest any significant amount of money-do a trial test. Don’t be impatient. Do your homework. You won’t regret it! 99% of new ideas in business do not work.

5. Grow from you profits: Only expand our business from money that you have earned in your business, not from borrowing from a financial institution. This will force you to be creative.

6. Select people carefully: Be slow to hire and quick to fire! Watch who you associate with. Deal only with people of integrity. Harvey Mackey, noted business and author, said he spent 6 months looking for a salesperson for his company, interviewed 35 people and did not hire anyone.

7. Use financial leverage: Cash flow is key. Your goals is to develop a steady and continuous cash flow. If and, I stress If, you ever need to borrow money for expansion, you will have a good financial record to negotiate with lenders.

Get ready for SUCCESS !

Monday, December 15, 2008


1. Plan and organize: Your ability to generate results is a key to your ultimate success. What results are expected of you? Keep asking yourself “ How can I increase my ability to generate better results?”

2. Go the Extra Mile: Do what you are paid for and more! Most people want to do just enough to get by. No way! When you focus on doing more than you are paid for you will reap tremendous results. You need to be focused while you are working and use your time wisely.

3. Market and sell: Constantly! You are always selling yourself whether you realize it or not. Read books, periodicals, attend seminars and workshops in your area of expertise. Develop your marketing and sales skills.

4. You can learn to sell: Selling is a skill that anyone can learn. The more you master this skill, the more you will earn and the more confident you will become.

5. Be a good listener: Close to 85% of your success in life will be attributed to your ability to listen effectively.

Make it a point to focus on upgrading a few of your key skills on a consistent basis and you will be amazed at the results you will see.


Sunday, December 14, 2008


There are two major areas that greatly affect whether a business will succeed or fail. Poor sales and poor cost control.

If you cannot generate enough sales to cover your expenses and make a profit-you will find yourself out of business. 48% of U.S business fail every year for this very reason.

Cash flow is KEY. No cash flow-no business! In today’s global economy we need to be on the learning curve constantly and we need to keep abreast of business trends.

In one sense this is also why approximately 1.5 million Americans declare bankruptcy every year. They have negative cash flow. More is going out than is coming in. We all need strong financial discipline.

No matter how much you earn if you cannot get our spending under control you will fail.

Start the year right! Make it a priority to live below your means. Do not incur any new debt.


Saturday, December 13, 2008


1. They have very low or no debt! No matter how good or how bad the economy is they refuse to go into debt. They are very conservative with their money. Now, do you really need the 72 inch plasma T.V. that you can put on our credit card?

2. They save their money ( at least 10% ) and they invest it carefully and cautiously. They are prepared to wait many years to achieve financial independence.

3. The above makes them sure of themselves and they are rarely anxious and worried, as they know that they have the resources needed to withstand any economic downturns. They are more positive in their outlooks.

4. They own businesses. Plural. Calvin Coolidge said “ The business of America is business”. They are not out looking for a JOB. They are out looking for their next business venture.

5. They take control of their TIME. They are not concerned about Dr. Phil and the rest of the talking heads. They are FOCUSED and they make every minute count.

6. They have short range, mid range, and long range goals. This keeps them in tune with their goals, keeps them focused, and aware of their time commitments.

7. They expect to succeed and they do!

8. They do not have a victim mentality and do not expect the government to have the answers.

Are these some of the strategies that you are using? It’s time to take charge and change your mindsets.


Friday, December 12, 2008


Which category do you fall in ?

1. #1 way and the easiest way. INHERIT the money. Good luck on this one! Less than 10% of people fall into this category.

2. BE A PROFESSIONAL Doctor, lawyer, engineer, etc. This requires extensive education and training and also the knack of financial management. A lot of high net worth professionals are just broke at a higher level than the rest of the population. As a professional you need to develop outside investments to make your money grow. Few professionals can sell their practices for a significant amount that they could retire on.

3. Become an executive. Very difficult to do. A lot of competition. Unstable economic times. If your betting on this one, you’re a good candidate for the stock market!

4. Win the lottery. First of all you shouldn’t be buying these anyway. There is no such thing as something for nothing. The odds are millions to one against you.

5. Become an Entrepreneur. 74 % of wealthy Americans are business owners. Now that should tell you something. Now is the best time to start a business. Why? Because all the experts are saying it’s the wrong time! Most of these so called experts are not business owners themselves. What do they know?

As you prepare for 2009, what business can you start that will dramatically change your future and the future of your family? If you already have a business, what can you start doing to prepare yourself for the best financial year that you have ever had?

Times of economic crises provide the best opportunities for Creating Wealth That Lasts.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008


1. Do you really want it? Do you have the DESIRE for it?

a) This will require commitment,sacrifices, and delayed gratification.
b) If you want it badly enough, you will achieve it.

2. You must make a DECISION!

a) This means you must do something. Not just think and talk about it. Do it!
b) Are you willing to pay the price?

3. Determination!
a) You will need to persist through the bad times, setbacks,and obstacles.
b) You must be mentally prepared to get back up and start all over again.
c) Determination and persistence are the magic ingredients in all success.

4. Discipline:
a) You need the WILL to get it done!
b) You need to develop the daily, weekly, and monthly habits and never stop.
c) You cannot compare yourself to other people.

Grade yourself on the above on a scale of 1-10. Where are you? This is not a test but a way of evaluating where you are on the path to Creating Wealth That Lasts.


Tuesday, December 9, 2008


What is a financially valued skill. It basically is a skill that people/employers are willing to pay a premium for. Did you ever stop to think of why there is a growing trend of young people; some are teenagers or in their early 20’s and they are BILLIONAIRES.

They have a financially valued skill that they used personally in a way that had not been done before.

The top income professions paying more than $130,000.yr include the following:
1. Venture capitalists
2. Physicians
3. Orthodontists
4. Dentists
5. Lawyers
6. Engineers
7. Optometrists
8. Veterinarians

The people in these professions have a unique set of skills!

What do you need to do?
1. Master the skills in your profession.
2. Keep people advised of what you are contributing.
3. Keep your expenses in check.

As you develop your skills, you will increase your earning capacity. Save, save, save, to enable you to invest in other businesses, such as YOUR OWN BUSINESS!

Creating Wealth That Lasts involves finding your passion, developing your skills, making a difference in other people’s lives, and having several financially valued skills.

Take an inventory of your skills and I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised at the skills that you possess that can be developed.


Monday, December 8, 2008


Maybe at this point in your life you are a W-2 employee. You can do certain things that will assure that the boss wants to keep you and also develop those skills that all entrepreneurs have.

1. Work longer hours: Ouch!! It’s true. You need to do more than the rest. If your goal is to be your own boss. Get used to it. You will work harder than anyone else. Guaranteed.

2. What are your responsibilities: Don’t be one of those that is forever saying “That’s not my job !” Do more than is expected and look to learn other aspects of the job that will increase your worth.

3. Working harder: This is different than # 1. Look at ways to make your job more profitable for the company. Be a good time manager. No idle talking on company time.

4. Be smart: Take online courses that will help you at work. Read company periodicals and trade journals. Get in the learning curve again.

5. Help your boss to be better: Look at ways to help him/her out. What are HIS/HER needs. Chances are he/she is an pressure cooker and is looking for relief. Learn to make his/her life easier by doing your job to the best of your ability.

Chances are you are closer to the action than your boss is and can provide needed insight. By becoming a better employee, you are at the same time becoming a better you and entrepreneur.


Sunday, December 7, 2008


Did you know you can live as rich as Bill Gates? You’ve got to be kidding your saying. Well, the fact is: it’s true!

Let me prove it to you with a few examples. If you exclude the size of his house, planes, and all the other upgrades of the rich and famous, you would be left with the following basics of living:

1. Enjoying your spare time.
2. Your clothes.
3. Sleeping.
4. Working.
5. Food.

SLEEPING: We all need a good mattress but at what price. How much for a mattress: $2,000? After a certain price, you are paying for prestige, not sleeping. You can sleep just as well as Bill.

FOOD: How much can you spend on a good steak. Same principle. You can buy a good steak at the grocery store. Just like Bill.

CLOTHES: Hey, did you ever see the way Bill dresses. He doesn’t go overboard. Why should you.

ENJOYING YOUR SPARE TIME: You don’t have to go glob trotting to spend time with your family and friends, enjoying a walk or a favorite hobby.

WORKING: Bill is a hard working guy! Are you? You can work just as hard where you are planted.

Change your perspective of life and if you live in the good old U.S.A, you live better than most people on the rest of this planet. Count your blessings.


Saturday, December 6, 2008


One of the keys to Creating Wealth That Lasts is to develop a long term perspective and to not get caught up with what the Jones’s are doing. Do you really need all the new gadgets that are coming out?

What about designer clothes? You should buy good quality, as this will last much longer. But how much are you willing to pay for a NAME on a piece of clothing? It will be out of style in no time anyways.

Here is some information I found on Mike Tyson. Please do not think that I am providing this information to disparage Mike but to provide an example.

During a 20 year career he earned in excess of $400 million. Before his 39th birthday he was $39 million in debt. Minus $39 million after earning $400 million!

He employed, at one time, more than 200 people including bodyguards, chauffeurs, etc.

Let’s look at his spending:
1. $4.5 million on cars and motorcycles.
2. $3.4 million on clothes and jewelry.
3. $7.8 million on personal expenses.
4. $140,000 on 2 white Bengal tigers and $125,000/yr for their trainer.
5. $2 million on a bathtub for his first wife.
6. $410,000 on a birthday party.
7. $230,000 on cell phones and pagers during a 3 year period.

If you feel that being wealthy is about big cars, mansions, jets, expensive jewely, etc., you will have a hard to develop good savings habits and you might find yourself having made good incomes throughout the years but not have much to show for it.

Take a long term view.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Have you wondered if your efforts are making a difference? I have been sharing over the last months my thoughts to benefit people with some of the knowledge I have accumulated through trial and error & blood, sweat and tears!

As I have worked on this, I have seen my message go out into the Internet world and my brand comes up in the top 10 of the search engines!

I have a friend in Quebec, Canada and he had lost my contact information. He Googled me and he found my blog site. Not only was I able to reconnect with him, I have been able to share my passion!

It’s vitally important that YOU share your particular passion. YOU have a unique message that enables you to touch and reach people.

As I share “Creating Wealth That Lasts” my goal is to make a difference in people’s lives. One of the ways YOU can Create Wealth That Lasts is to find your passion and to take ACTION!

Your message will get out and you will find yourself reaching and creating an audience and reconnecting with old friends.


Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Get ready here they are:

1. The work hard: Average of 59 hours a week, however, they love what they do and it's not really work.

2. They are good at what they do: Practice, practice practice !

3. They have multiple streams of income: Diversify what you are doing.

4. They live in relatively inexpensive homes. The bigger the home, the bigger the maintenance and upkeep costs. It's costing you !

5. Moderate in spending: They do buy on sale and are good shoppers !

6. The save, save, save: It becomes a habit.

7. They pay themselves first. For savings, investments, etc.

8. They count their money. They keep accurate records on all of their spending. They know where their money is going.

Do you see yourselves on this list?
