Thursday, January 15, 2009


As this nation prepares for our new president, we need to reflect on the greatness of this country and how blessed those of us are who have the privilege to live here. Creating Wealth That Lasts in all aspects of our lives would not be possible without the tremendous freedoms we enjoy.

This is a historic moment for our country and Barack Obama and his family. I did not vote for this man but I will pray and support him in his time in office. It is what we are all called to do despite our different political affiliations. Politics has become too angry, negative, spiteful, etc. Need I say more!

Those of us who call ourselves Americans love our country and we need to unite beyond our differences. We are living in times of unprecedented challenge and opportunity.
No one man or party has all the answers. I believe personally that the United States needs to turn wholehearted to God, as He is the only one who has the answers in these times.

Let us join hands as never before and become united to leave an inheritance to our children’s children.



Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Jacques .. I agree politics always worries me when they have to score points, rather than govern their country for the best. We need a new future .. where we love, look after our families, & we help this global village - thanks for the post Hilary

Anonymous said...

Hi Jacques

I totally agree with you on "we Amercian need to unite beyond our differences!" I feel that same about all of this as you do. I pray for our country and our president.

Giovanna Garcia
Imperfect Action is better than No Action