Thursday, January 8, 2009


We live in such an uncertain time that most people are operating out of a fear mode. Fear of loss of: money, job, health, family, etc. I believe a large part of this is due to media overload of negativity.

To be productive, energetic, and focused you need a positive mindset free from fear. If you study history, the times we are living in are not very different from earlier eras where social upheaval, devastating wars, financial crises, and natural disasters that have happened in the past.

During these prior times of history, people have prospered because they focused on opportunities that where available and did what THEY could control. Get the picture. YOU can only do what you CAN.

Don’t focus on what you can’t do. Do what you can! Forget the world’s problems. Warren Buffet is now the richest man in the world at this time. 60 billion or close to it. The financial meltdown did not affect him. Why? He was doing what he could and was focused.

To Create Wealth That Lasts in all aspects of your life will require a disciplined and focused life. Focusing on all the negativity in society will not help you.

Am I advocating that you be like an ostrich with it’s head in the sand. No! You NEED to be selective, very selective, very, very selective.

2009 is a brand new start for everyone. Operate out of hope, love, expectancy, belief, etc.



Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Great post Jacques - all through our lives we have ups and downs & now it's no different .. except the outside influences are variables too .. just keep our heads up, think positive, and definitely don't be afraid - life's too good. Have a happy day Hilary

Anonymous said...

Hi Jacques,
I definitely agree focusing is the key factor. Focusing on what you can do and what's good means putting all your energy into it and getting more of that. If you focus on all the things that you can't fix, on all the things that are going on in the world today, that aren't affecting you directly and the ones you can't change, you are just spending the time you could have invested in the things that will get you further.