Wednesday, February 18, 2009


We must be one in what we say and what we do. Are you? I wasn’t always this way and I had to learn to master this area of my life if I really wanted to succeed in a substantial way.

Why is this important? If we are not people who keep our words and do what we say we will do, we will surely lose the respect of others and eventually of ourselves.
Our self respect in large part is based on our actions and words. They must be in harmony. No one can succeed on a long term basis without this key element in their lives.

Do you know people that you know you cannot count on based on your experience with them? They talk the talk but do not walk the walk. I have been led astray by a lot of people who fall in this category and I have only myself to blame. I have learned to allow people only two chances. The first time it’s my fault, the second time their fault, and there is no third time.

As we progress in life we will continually come in contact with people that will prove to be essential in our long term success and we must be perceived as people that can be trusted to do what they say they will do.

It not only shows respect for people but it demonstrates that you can be counted on when the going gets tough. True success in life is being true to yourself at all times.

Be one in word and spirit!



Anonymous said...

I believe if a person's word does have any values, meaning if they don't do what they said. Then that person have no values.
Thank you,
Giovanna Garcia
Imperfect Action is better than no Action

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Yes Jacques .. we always need to find the people we like and trust and people we can fall back on for good advice, or just support.

I like your fault time frame .. first time mine, 2nd time theirs .. & there's no 3rd ..

Thanks - your posts are thought provoking

Hilary: Be Positive Be Happy