Friday, February 13, 2009


Listen to this: Of people making less than $35,000/yr, 40 percent said the best way to have $500,000 at retirement age is to win the Lotto. Your chances of winning the Lotto are 1 in 15 million. You are 10 times more likely to be struck by lightning.

People repeatedly keep putting off increasing their savings or emergency fund by fooling themselves into believing that they will win big or get an unexpected wind fall.

What happens is that these types of people get to retirement age and rant and rave and complain about their circumstances and they look to the government and will vote for any politician who will dole out the cash.

19% of people who file for bankruptcy are college graduates. Education does not make you financially wise. You might just end up broke at a higher level!

The point I am making is that WE are RESPONSIBLE for taking charge of our lives. Not the government, not our parents, not our neighbors-US.

I have covered a lot of financial topics over the last weeks geared toward getting people to be PASSIONATE about getting and staying out of debt. It is not that hard to do. It may be more difficult if you have a large debt load but it can be done.

The bottom line is that WE have to accept that responsibility. We are the authors of our FATE. We are writing our lives by the choices we make.

Today’s media is focused on the “VICTIM” mentality. It’s not our fault. We all need counseling, Dr. Phil, or Oprah!

No! In large part it is our faults. It’s time to grow up!


1 comment:

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Jacques - Yes - we are all responsible for where we're at .. and we all need to, as you say, take responsibility for our lives .. if we need to change: only we can do it.

The present culture doesn't help - fame and gambling .. few of us can ever be successful that way - it's helping ourselves is where we need to be

Thanks for an excellent post - Hilary: Be Positive Be Happy