Sunday, February 8, 2009


What about the Zillion dollar bail out? It is not a bail out! Where is the government getting this money? The economy is down, people are losing their jobs, and, therefore, there are less taxes coming in. The government is printing the money, which in the long run will devalue the dollar. It’s like borrowing more money to pay off ever increasing debt. The spiral never ends.

The fact is there is NOTHING for NOTHING. No FREE lunch. Everyone has to PAY!
If you look at all the PORK that has been put into this, it is actually sickening. We are slowly getting into a Socialist state where people expect the government to do everything and take care of them. Russia tried this, remember!

I truly believe that you let the businesses that goofed up or made mistakes take the loss and move on. I am a business man and if I screw up and make mistakes, do you think the government will bail me out?

What about people who have been reckless in their spending, borrowing, and increasing their debt load. Should they be bailed out? Now it seems that nobody should be responsible for their mistakes! It’s all the fault of something beyond our control!

We have been a blessed nation and we have squandered our inheritance, just like someone who inherits a lot of money and spends it foolishly. We are all to blame in some way. That is why I have been harping on living debt free. If you are debt free and have practiced living frugally ( I did not say stingily), you can go through any storm and actually prosper.

The level of distortion and animosity in the news is pathetic. It’s time for America and individual Americans to grow up and take responsibility for their actions.

You take control and don’t be waiting on the government! There are economic cycles that go back hundreds of years and they come and go. People have survived and prospered in the tough times. So can you!



Marketing Unscrambled, Home edition said...

Jacques, this is a blessed country, but the Lord is not going to put up with things as they are going now. Will he sweep us off this land and give it to others that will do the thing that are in the scriptures. It is getting more and more to seperated. Those for the Lord and those against the Lord. I choose to stand on the Lords side. That is the winning side. We have to be watchful, have our own houses in order. Some of those that are in government now have big beams in their eyes. How can they see clearly to take it out of ours? How dare they talk the way that they do? They started most of this with the laws that they pass. They do not take any blame for any of it. Now they do this and say it will fix it. It will only make it worse. They think that they know it all. They do not. More spending is not the answer. More pork is not the answer. They keep taking more and more from us they are going to have a rebellion on their hands if they are not careful. It is getting to the point that they ae taking half our wages in taxes of some kind or other. How long will the people stand for it? When they take all of our wages and leave us with nothing. Will we stand up for ourselves then or not?
Dan and Deanna "Marketing Unscrambled"

Anonymous said...

Hi Jacques .. unfortunately it's usually the little people that get clobbered .. and they're the lifeblood of a nation.

This is definitely a time to resolve to change & develop a debt free lifestyle .. just don't dwell on government and the negatives of life as it is ..

Our forebears came through the depression .. & we have to work our way out too .. & I believe it should be easier now .. as there are more opportunities and ideas around - just select the best.

Thanks - Hilary

Anonymous said...

Dan and Dianna; I heartily agree with everything you said. Amen!