Thursday, March 12, 2009


We all have 24 hours per day and it seems to go by so fast! I don’t know about you but the days, weeks, months, and years just seem to fly by. We all know that we cannot by back our time and it behooves us to use time wisely.

How about interruptions? How many times have you answered the phone and the next thing you know 20-30 minutes has gone by. I have learned that if I am involved in a project and I am not expecting a phone call and the phone rings, I don’t answer it. I have an answering machine and I can also take care of this later. You will be amazed at how much time you can save with this little adjustment.

If you operate a business out of your home get a separate business line and don’t give it out to personal acquaintances. This will eliminate family members from running to the phone for business customers.

I know there is a lot of controversy about using cell phones while driving but I find this a good time to make and return calls. Use a hand free device and use prudence.

Making a list and checking it twice-the night before is a good time saver. You know exactly what your schedule is for the next day and this will prevent you from responding to requests from other people who may want to divert your precious time. When asked to do something or go somewhere, you can refer to your list and excuse yourself because of your prior commitments.

If you are not in control of your time believe someone else will.

Creating WealthThat Lasts

1 comment:

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Jacques .. yes it is so easy to get distracted.

Mobiles in the car .. are probably more dangerous here - as the roads are narrower & we have more traffic (except in your conurbations perhaps!).. sometimes so many calls are so unnecessary - I agree not for serious businessmen, who take their responsibilities seriously.

And we definitely need to be in charge of our time .. something I find quite difficult at the moment .. just because of elderly relatives dependent on me.

Thanks for reminding us of the fact we need to take control of our time ..

Hilary: Be Positive Be Happy