Monday, March 16, 2009


Caution is a mental process; fear is a destructive emotion. Top 10 fears:
1. Speaking before a group.
2. Heights.
3. Insects and bugs.
4. Financial problems.
5. Deep water.
6. Disease.
7. Death.
8. Flying.
9. Loneliness.
10. Dogs.
11. Driving/riding in a car.
12. Dark.

Do any of these apply to you? Fear causes the reaction of avoidance or inaction. Fear can be dangerous to your health, wealth, and happiness. Fear creates a brick wall between you and your dreams.
To accomplish what you want in life will require getting out of your comfort zone and doing unfamiliar and uncomfortable things.

There is an important difference between fear and worry. Fear is event related and worry is mentally created. In today’s economic situation we find people operating in fear and worry. There are things that you can’t change and being fearful or worrying will not change this.

You need to focus on the positives in all situations. If you lost your job you are making room for a better job or owning your own business.

Fear will paralyze you. Faith will energize you. Where are you? More to come.


1 comment:

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Jacques - how true .. far too many people are frightened of trying things or doing things ..

some fears are phobias .. but some fears are perfectly able to be dealt with ... just a matter of mind over matter ..

as you say .. we can't change some things we just need to get on & achieve ..

Thanks - Hilary: Be Positive Be Happy