Thursday, March 19, 2009


Stress is needed in life to keep us in balance, however, in today’s society we are faced with a lot of undue stress and this is killing people.

Exercise is one of the best ways to relieve stress. You don’t have to run a marathon (that can be stressful) but you can walk 15 minutes to a half hour a day. You will be surprised how refreshing this can be.

The key is to find an activity that you enjoy and do it consistently. Golf, tennis, bicycling, etc.

Eliminate negativity from your life, especially negative people. Negative people will stress you guaranteed. They will see the negative in everything and, after you leave them, you will think the sky is going to fall. If you are in a negative job, relationship, environment-get out and fast!

Disassociate your feelings from events around you. Getting emotionally involved in the events of life all the time is a sure way to get stressed. Have you ever had someone yell at you in traffic or cut you off, jump in front of you in a line, be rude to you, etc.

Hey, if people around you are having a bad day there is no need to join them. I agree this is easier said than done but if you make a concerted effort you can win at this.

I am leaving for Florida in a few days for some rest and relaxation with my family and I found myself getting stressed due to getting all my work done before I leave and worrying about getting everything done when I get back. Not a good way to start a vacation!

I decided to take one day at a time and enjoy the process. It’s a day to day choice.


1 comment:

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Jacques .. I know how you feel .. re getting ready to go away .. just before San Diego .. I was trying to catch up & prepare & the family suddenly announced out of the blue that they wanted to take me out .. no thought to ask me first .. I just said no .. couldn't cope .. that's that.

Now it's sunny .. I'm walking down the hill from my mother .. 45 minutes

Enjoy your break ..

Hilary: Be Positive Be Happy