Friday, March 13, 2009


1. We have no competition! Who are you kidding? If you think you don’t have any competition-your dead meat. Everything is changing so quickly today that we have to be aware of trends and changes immediately.

2. Downsizing is the way to go to eliminate costs! Again this could be a huge mistake. I worked for a company for 17 ½ years and during that time they merged with two other companies. At both times, they downsized people and departments and guess what-they used to be # 1 and opened the door for so many competitors to move in that we lost count. They have been struggling every since.

3. Always be nice to subordinates! Having been a supervisor and manager I learned that trying to be nice all the time does not work. Why? Those people that need to be kicked in the behind to get things done don’t respond to being nice. They need a different approach. If you don’t stop being nice to deadbeats, the deadbeats will kill your business.

4. The customer is always right! Boy, this needs to be revisited. I have lost count on how many times I have asked customers what they wanted and when I provided them with it. Guess what? They changed their minds. Sometimes customers themselves don’t always know what they want or need. Save yourself time and money and don’t assume that the customer is always right.


1 comment:

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Jacques .. thanks again .. your business myths hit the nail on the head ..

We do need to keep ourselves ahead of the trends and changes going on; & I agree customers are fickle now-a-days and there's nothing to be done except be v nice & then you might (ultimately) get the sale.

Thanks again .. Hilary: Be Positive Be Happy