Friday, March 6, 2009


The rhetoric today is about creating jobs. The government is not in the business of creating jobs. If government is left to itself it will build a pyramid of government workers who want to keep perpetuating their jobs.

The role of government is to maintain an environment where business can flourish and grow and therefore create jobs. 80% of all jobs are created by small businesses and the government wants to bail out a few of the larger ones that have been inefficient and bloated for years.

Road projects and construction projects is not creating jobs! This is hard physical work that only a small segment of the population is able to do. Once everything is fixed what then?

Raising taxes does not help small businesses. Taxing the wealthy does not help the poor. This is foolishness. If you look at Japan, they have done everything that our government is proposing to deal with their economy and it did not work. Why do we assume that this will work for us.

Economic growth goes in cycles and it always will. Let the mismanaged businesses collapse and new companies will arise to take their place. Let this play out without panicking. The media is projecting fear. Remember the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.

When they say that 10% of people cannot pay their mortgages, they don’t stress the 90% who are paying their mortgages. They don’t talk about the 90% who are working but the 10% who aren’t.

Don’t expect the government to have all the answers. You might not like what you get!


1 comment:

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Jacques .. we should look after ourselves .. but we're programmed to do things the easy way & when it goes wrong most people don't have the will or knowledge to deal with their lives in difficult circumstances.

Thanks for that insight
Hilary: Be Positive Be Happy