Thursday, March 5, 2009


I have been reading about all the government bailout money and how they want to bail out everybody. Is this really needed? My wife and I live a frugal life ( not stingy, we give a lot) but we are careful in our spending and put off any purchases that are really not needed.

I know people who have $2,000-$3,000/mo. mortgages, who over extended themselves to impress their neighbors and are now hoping for a bailout. I have no problems helping people out who really need help, but why should taxpayers pay for people who wanted a McMansion and did not count the total cost of upkeep before making a purchase.

Everybody is made to feel that they are victims and nothing is their fault. All decisions have consequences. I have made a lot of bad decisions in the past and I had to pay for that. It took me 7-8 years to get out of debt and I did. I did not expect the government to bail me out.

Remember there is no free lunch. The government doesn’t make money, it spends money. A lot of people want to be on the government dole and get something for nothing. There is no such thing. Someone has to pay.

I don’t want a government bailout. If you have incurred debts, pay them off, no matter how long it takes. You’re self respect will be intact and you will sleep well at night.

The first step to socialism is when people expect the government to have all the answers and to take care of them from birth to death. Believe me, they will but you will be at the mercy of Big Brother.

This country was founded on Freedom of choice, which means you make your choices and reap the benefits of those choices or the penalties.


1 comment:

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Jacques .. yes, be true to ourselves .. however, people now-a-days do not know how to accept their wrongs .. they don't this debt as a wrong .. & expect help .. it's a change in mindset for us all.

Our values need to be rethought ..

Good post - thanks - Hilary: Be Positive Be Happy