Saturday, March 7, 2009


How about a 30%, 60%, or 100% return. What can you invest in that will give you these consistent rates of return? Books. A friend recommended that I share what I read. Instead of giving exact book titles I will focus on authors.

Robert Kiosayki and His Rich Dad Poor Dad series are classics that every business person or anyone interested in getting into business should read. His advice goes against the grain on what traditional business experts advise. His series has expanded into real estate advice, tax issues, incorporation, trademarks, etc. These are well worth the money and can be reread over and over again.

On leadership John Maxwell’s books are excellent in all respects. John has been advising corporations, organizations, and individuals for several decades and he is a sought after speaker all over the world. Must read stuff.

C.S. Lewis on Christianity is also a must read. He was a professor at Oxford and in his attempts to disprove Christianity became a believer. His books have recently been made into movies. Oswald Chambers and his classic book My Utmost for His Highest is a book that everyone needs to read. He was a chaplain with the English army and while stationed in Egypt passed away at the age of 44. He was wise way beyond his years.

On attitude and maintaining a positive outlook on life: W. Clement Stone, Napoleon Hill, Og Mandino, and Norman Vincent Peale.

All of these authors have multiple books and this should keep you busy the rest of the year.



Anonymous said...

Reading is very important for our development. The better we development ourselves the better off we become.
Thank you,
Giovanna Garcia
Imperfect Action is better than No Action

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Jacques .. thanks for the information re books .. and your recommendations of specific authors is really useful - I hadn't heard of Oswald Chambers .. I must have a look.

Thanks - Hilary: Be Positve Be Happy