Sunday, March 1, 2009


In one of my former jobs, I was a marketing representative for a large firm and as part of my duties I had to interview people to determine if they would be a fit for our organization. Needless to say this was a challenging duty, as we wanted to make sure that the people we hired would fit within our corporate culture.

When people are interviewed they are usually at their best and you normally do not see any flaws. However, one of the characteristics that I looked for was the ability to appreciate other people and have a focus on others. If people where talking about me, myself, and I and how wonderful they where and how blessed we would be to have them work for us, that was a red flag to me!

In life, we are surrounded with people who need to be uplifted and appreciated for the gifts that they have. We need to be people that are more focused on others than our own special needs and problems. Employees and employers that are focused on making people feel appreciated are contributing to the feeling of personal worth of the other person.

The principal cause of unrest among workers and people in general falls within the following:

1. Failure to give credit for suggestions.
2. Failure to correct grievances.
3. Failure to encourage.
4. Being criticized in public.

This pertains to family interaction as well as at work. If you think other people are important, you will treat them differently. You know what? Every person is important.

A study has shown that criminals do things to get attention as do small children. We all crave attention and want to be noticed and appreciated. A major complaint from husbands and wives that they have about their partner is “ not being noticed”.

Start noticing the people that come into your life. Make them feel appreciated. You are planting seeds of encouragement that will produce everlasting fruit!


1 comment:

Believe Achieve - Hugo and Roxanne said...

We must appreciate what we have in life and show appreciation to people in our everyday lives.

Many Blessings....
Hugo and Roxanne
~Believe Achieve~