Sunday, March 15, 2009


I don’t know about you but there are times of the day that I perform better. Some people are early morning people and others are late night people. Where do you fall in this?

Each of us has a different inner clock that functions at its best at different times. My daughter is a nurse and she works the 7PM to 7AM shift and she functions better during this time. My wife is an early bird. For me this changes depending on my schedule.

If you can tune in to your inner clock and find out what is better for you, you will increase your effectiveness greatly.

When you have this figured out; schedule your priority tasks during your peak performance time. In other words, don’t do important and pressing tasks when you energy level is low. You will also be mentally fatigued giving you a double negative whammy!

Activities that require peak performance include: creative writing, negotiating, work related reading, report writing, studying, etc.

Activities that can be done during off peak hours include: entertainment, errands, exercise, meals, personal phone calls, shopping, doing housework, etc.

Try it. You will be pleasantly surprised!


1 comment:

Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Thanks Jacques .. it's so important to do ones work and do it properly .. it saves time later on. As you say your personal needs can be done during your down time ..

Thanks for the thoughts .. I definitely work better in the morning ..

Hilary: Be Positive Be Happy