Sunday, March 22, 2009


Interesting question. It all depends what you are doing on your vacation. Checking your business emails, calling back at the office to make sure it’s still there, etc.

I am self employed and, therefore, when I am on vacation I have to keep checking my emails and return calls but I schedule these during certain times of the day. I work a 6 day week and try to keep Sundays for the Lord and the family.

Vacations to me are times to connect more with my wife and family. I don’t really have any hobbies or sports that I am involved with and at this junction in my life, the time I am able to spend with my wife are the best.

It’s interesting how the longer you are married the more you want to be with your spouse. When our children where at home, our vacations where all about traveling and making memories. Times at the beach, camping out, visiting special places; just being together.

A vacation should not be about vegging out but about investing your time wisely and doing those things that are important to you. My wife and I love to read and we usually bring several books with us to read at the beach or wherever we are.

I am going on a cruise in a few days with my daughter. Four days on a boat! Actually, I am looking forward to the time with my daughter. Michelle is 26 years old and I’m pleased she still wants to spend time with her Dad.

More memories. My wife will be at the beach praying for us!



Hilary Melton-Butcher said...

Hi Jacques .. thanks for that - the answer really is no! As I'm finding out at the moment - I cannot leave my mother .. I need to be around to ensure she is ok & I seem to be the only one that will take the responsibility for her peace and happiness in her last months - however long the months are: 25 so far!

However I've made sure I look after myself .. so I haven't been ill (odd bug & cold). Even when I had my uncle in the loop too for 8 months - then I nearly hit the deck ... but strength of mind & taking almost one action at a time was all I could cope with - but I got through.

I'll enjoy my holiday when I'm free again ...

Enjoy your time with your daughter .. sounds wonderful .. & your peaceful time with your wife leisurely reading books etc

Relax and recharge .. I'll be thinking of you ..
Hilary: Be Positive Be Happy

Anonymous said...

You are doing the right thing. You will never regret the time you are devoting to your Mom.